- From www.coursera.org
Major Depression in the Population: A Public Health Approach
- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 6 Sequences
- Introductive Level
- Субтитры доступны на Chinese
Course details
- Week 1 - Overview
Welcome to Major Depression in the Population: A Public Health Approach. Let's take a few moments to introduce the course before we dive into our first lessons. - Week 1 - What is Major Depression and Why Is It Important? The Burden of Depressive Disorder in the Population
This week, we will be focusing on the definition of major depression and the methods that we use for measuring its effect on populations. - Week 2 - Depression in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Closer Look at Maternal Depression
This week we will be covering depression from a global public health perspective. - Week 3 - Basic Concepts of Epidemiology as Applied to Depression
This week we take advantage of what we know about major depressive disorder to examine major epidemiologic research designs, including the case control design, the cohort design, and the study of diseases in time and space. - Week 4 - The Search for Etiologic Clues
This week the focus is on possible causes for depressive disorder, including inheritance, stress, social life, work life, and the evolution of modern living. - Week 5 - Unmet Need for Care, Barriers, and Programs to Improve Access
In this module, we discuss unmet need for treatment and treatment seeking and present a public health view of depression treatment. - Week 6 - Final Assignment
William Eaton, PhD
Professor, Mental Health
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Wietse A. Tol, PhD
Ali & Rose Kawi Assistant Professor, Mental Health
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Ramin Mojtabai, MD
Associate Professor, Mental Health
Bloomberg School of Public Health
L’université Johns-Hopkins (Johns Hopkins University, ou JHU) est une université privée américaine, située à Baltimore dans le Maryland. Elle possède également des campus à Washington, à Bologne en Italie, à Singapour et à Nankin en Chine. Elle doit son nom à Johns Hopkins, un entrepreneur fortuné qui a légué à sa mort 7 millions de dollars à l'université.
Comptant parmi les universités les plus prestigieuses des États-Unis (surtout pour ses facultés de médecine et de santé publique, ainsi que pour son école d'affaires internationales), l'institution se définit comme la première « université de recherche » du pays. Au début de son histoire, elle s'est principalement inspirée de l'université de Heidelberg et du modèle d'instruction allemand de Wilhelm von Humboldt. En 2019, 39 lauréats du prix Nobel ont leur nom associé à l'université.
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