Open Science: Sharing Your Research with the World

Open Science: Sharing Your Research with the World

18 h
This content is rated 4.5 out of 5
  • From
  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 6 Sequences
  • Introductive Level
  • Starts on 17 мая 2022
  • Ends on 28 июня 2022

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Week 1: Introduction to Open Science

Introduction to the Open Science movement. What are the objectives, main concepts, and benefits of Open Science? This includes:

  • Discussing the traditional subscription-based journal system with regards to Open Access publishing
  • Practical Open Science benefits for researchers
  • Policies of important funding organizations
  • Programs on Open Data and Open Access publishing and
  • Case studies on successful application of Open Science by researchers from different backgrounds.

Week 2: Research Data Management

Introduction to effective and secure research data management, including:

  • Learning the disciplinary standards of FAIR data sharing
  • Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of different data storage and backup options
  • Organizing, documenting, and adding metadata to research data to optimize the visibility of your data
  • Data archiving, access, sharing and re-use with the use of data repositories
  • Understanding the different copyright licenses designed to deal with open data
  • Dealing with confidential data, company restrictions, and third-party agreements through case studies
  • Evaluating a data management plan
  • Explaining how Open Data can be applied in your field of research

Week 3: Publishing Open Access

Here you will discuss the main differences between the open access and subscription-based publication model in science, and the main misconceptions about open access publishing. In this week we also introduce the creative commons licenses used by open access journals and self-archiving policies. You will examine how you can maximize the accessibility of publications in subscription-based journals, you will present your opinion of the open access publishing model and assess the 'openness' of the main scientific journals in your field of research.

Week 4: Choose topic(s) depending on your interests:

Increasing your research visibility

Here you discuss and formulate your communication strategy, describing and choosing your social media channels for reaching certain target groups.

Making your research software FAIR

Research relies ever more on software. Software is used to model and simulate, but it is also almost impossible to deal with the ever growing volume of research data without software. Software is used to read, record, collect and generate data; clean, filter and analyse data; present and visualise data.

This module looks at research software: software that is specific to a research field or research project.

In this module you will learn the role of publicly accessible software version control repositories, the importance of choosing the right software licence, how to make your software citable and tips on how to make it easier for other researchers to reuse your software.

Citizen science

Citizens participation in research is getting more and more important. The course will demonstrate what citizen science is about, how to stimulate citizens to participate in your research and how to handle (new) responsibilities when implementing citizen science.
In this module you will learn how to involve citizens in your research.

Finally, conclusions of this course will be discussed and we will reflect on what has been taught in the previous weeks.


  1. Basic professional knowledge of scientific publishing/practices and research processes
  2. Professional knowledge of research data management
  3. Command of written and spoken English


Michiel de Jong
Open Science and Open Education expert
Delft University of Technology

Nicole Will
Head of Education Support at the TU Delft Library
Delft University of Technology

Anneke Zuiderwijk
Assistant Professor in Open Data
Delft University of Technology

Marijn Janssen
Professor in ICT
Delft University of Technology


L’université de technologie de Delft (en néerlandais : Technische Universiteit Delft), plus connue sous le nom de TU Delft est la plus ancienne et importante université publique des Pays-Bas.

Elle est implantée à Delft, aux Pays-Bas. Elle est positionnée dans le classement mondial des universités QS en 2022 parmi les 10 premières universités en ingénierie et technologie dans le monde. En architecture et génie civil, elle était classée 2e dans le monde, après le MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


EdX est une plateforme d'apprentissage en ligne (dite FLOT ou MOOC). Elle héberge et met gratuitement à disposition des cours en ligne de niveau universitaire à travers le monde entier. Elle mène également des recherches sur l'apprentissage en ligne et la façon dont les utilisateurs utilisent celle-ci. Elle est à but non lucratif et la plateforme utilise un logiciel open source.

EdX a été fondée par le Massachusetts Institute of Technology et par l'université Harvard en mai 2012. En 2014, environ 50 écoles, associations et organisations internationales offrent ou projettent d'offrir des cours sur EdX. En juillet 2014, elle avait plus de 2,5 millions d'utilisateurs suivant plus de 200 cours en ligne.

Les deux universités américaines qui financent la plateforme ont investi 60 millions USD dans son développement. La plateforme France Université Numérique utilise la technologie openedX, supportée par Google.

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