Ocean Solutions

32 h
This content is rated 5 out of 5
  • From www.coursera.org
  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
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  • 8 Sequences
  • Introductive Level

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Course details


The following modules will be covered during the first 6 weeks of the course:

Module 1: Problem Statement
Module 2: The Challenge
Module 3: Ocean Solutions
Module 4: Food from the Ocean
Module 5: Water from the Ocean
Module 6: Energy
Module 7: Marine Bioresources
Module 8: Climate Change Mitigation
Module 9: Governance of Ocean Solutions
Module 10: Successfully Deploying Ocean Solutions
Module 11: Prospects

The final 2 weeks of the course will involve a peer assessment activity.




  • Carlos Duarte - The UWA Oceans Institute


The University of Western Australia (UWA) was established in 1911 and continues to set the standard for other West Australian universities. Staff, students and graduates from the University have been recognised at state, national and international levels, and UWA continues to confirm its standing as one of Australia’s leading research-intensive universities. UWA's leaders and researchers work in partnership with three domestic and international networks, the Group of Eight, Matariki and the Worldwide Universities Network.


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