- From www.coursera.org
Interprofessional Healthcare Informatics
- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 10 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
- Week 1 - Introduction
- Week 1 - Informatics Theory
Week 1 begins! This week, we explore and apply theories of healthcare informatics to professional practice. By the end of this week, you will be able to: describe informatics theory, analyze informatics theory related to practice and analyze health topics of i... - Week 2 - Data, Information, and Knowledge
This module explores and applies standardized terminologies to professional practice. By the end of this module, learners will be able to: analyze the transformation of data to information to knowledge and explore and apply standardized terminologies to profes... - Week 3 - Electronic Health Record (EHR) Components, Evidence-Based Practice
This module links EHR use to evidence-based practice. By the end of this module, learners will be able to: identify the benefits and goals of an electronic health record and analyze evidence-based practice within the context of the electronic health record. - Week 4 - Quality Improvement/ Workflow Analysis/ Redesign
Week 5 begins! This week we examine informatics in relationship to new technologies in healthcare. Telehealth and technology are creating new ways to link people, and care, and health information. By the end of this week, you will be able to: examine applicati... - Week 5 - Telehealth/ Consumer Health/ Mobile Technology
This module examines informatics in relationship to new technologies in healthcare. By the end of this module, learners will be able to: examine applications of telehealth technologies and describe methods of engaging consumers in using health information tech... - Week 6 - Community/ Population Health
This module relates informatics to community and population health. By the end of this module, learners will be able to: relate informatics to community and population health and analyze applications of geospatial information systems and health. - Week 7 - Informatics, Gaming, and Simulation
This module describes applications of gaming, simulation, and virtual reality tools in healthcare. By the end of this module, learners will be able to: analyze informatics and gaming in relationship to health and healthcare and describe use of simulations and ... - Week 8 - Informatics and Ethics
This module explores ethical issues related to healthcare informatics in the interprofessional context. By the end of this module, learners will be able to: explore ethical issues related to healthcare informatics in the interprofessional context and analyze s... - Week 9 - Data Exchange and Interoperability
This module explores interprofessional aspects of healthcare data exchange and interoperability. By the end of this module, learners will be able to: describe information exchange and interoperability and analyze interprofessional aspects of information exchan... - Week 10 - Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge
This module explores the contribution of healthcare informatics to the foundation of knowledge in healthcare. By the end of this module, learners will be able to: analyze implications of Big Data for healthcare research and synthesize insights related to inter...
Karen Monsen, Ph.D., RN, FAAN
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
L'université du Minnesota, Twin Cities est une université américaine fondée en 1851.
Elle se situe conjointement dans les villes de Minneapolis et de Saint Paul dites les « villes jumelles (Twin Cities) » de l'État du Minnesota aux États-Unis. L'université constitue la partie la plus ancienne et plus grande du système universitaire du Minnesota. Elle est souvent classée parmi les 30 meilleures universités au monde par le classement de Shanghaï (Academic Ranking of World Universities).
Son corps étudiant est le deuxième plus grand des États-Unis avec 52 557 étudiants, et un rapport de 1 professeur pour 16 étudiants. Il est situé sur deux campus dans chacune des deux villes reliés par un système d'autobus réservé à l'université. À cause de la géographie particulière du Minnesota (plus de 12 000 lacs, et des centaines de kilomètres de parcs et de forêts), l'université a une activité de recherche intense en environnement, ressources et énergies renouvelables et développement durable. Son impact économique annuel est estimée à 8,9 milliards de dollars sur l'économie locale.
Coursera - это цифровая компания, предлагающая массовые открытые онлайн-курсы, основанные учителями компьютеров Эндрю Нгом и Стэнфордским университетом Дафни Коллер, расположенные в Маунтин-Вью, штат Калифорния.
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