Social and Economic Networks: Models and Analysis

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  • 8 Sequences
  • Advanced Level

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  • Week 1 - Introduction, Empirical Background and Definitions
    Examples of Social Networks and their Impact, Definitions, Measures and Properties: Degrees, Diameters, Small Worlds, Weak and Strong Ties, Degree Distributions
  • Week 2 - Background, Definitions, and Measures Continued
    Homophily, Dynamics, Centrality Measures: Degree, Betweenness, Closeness, Eigenvector, and Katz-Bonacich. Erdos and Renyi Random Networks: Thresholds and Phase Transitions
  • Week 3 - Random Networks
    Poisson Random Networks, Exponential Random Graph Models, Growing Random Networks, Preferential Attachment and Power Laws, Hybrid models of Network Formation.
  • Week 4 - Strategic Network Formation
    Game Theoretic Modeling of Network Formation, The Connections Model, The Conflict between Incentives and Efficiency, Dynamics, Directed Networks, Hybrid Models of Choice and Chance.
  • Week 5 - Diffusion on Networks
    Empirical Background, The Bass Model, Random Network Models of Contagion, The SIS model, Fitting a Simulated Model to Data.
  • Week 6 - Learning on Networks
    Bayesian Learning on Networks, The DeGroot Model of Learning on a Network, Convergence of Beliefs, The Wisdom of Crowds, How Influence depends on Network Position..
  • Week 7 - Games on Networks
    Network Games, Peer Influences: Strategic Complements and Substitutes, the Relation between Network Structure and Behavior, A Linear Quadratic Game, Repeated Interactions and Network Structures.
  • Week 8 - Final Exam
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Matthew O. Jackson


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