Deciphering Secrets: Unlocking the Manuscripts of Medieval Spain

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  • 12 Sequences
  • Introductive Level

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PART ONE: Finding Our Way into the Provocative History of Spain

  • Class 1: An Overview of the European, Byzantine, and Islamic Middle Ages (21 January 2016)
  • Class 2: Reflections on Christian Spain and Islamic al-Andalus (Part 1) and an Introduction to the Revealing Cooperation and Conflict Project (RCCP). (28 January 2016)
  • Class 3: Reflections on Christian Spain and Islamic al-Andalus (Part 2) and Video Tour of the Reales Alcazar (Sevilla) and the Alhambra (Granada). (4 February 2016)
  • Class 4: Reflections on Christian Spain and Islamic al-Andalus (Part 3) and Learning About Spain’s Jewish Past and Future. (11 February 2016)
  • Class 5: Reflections on Christian Spain and Islamic al-Andalus (Part 4) and the Cantigas de Santa Maria Trebuchet. (18 February 2016)

PART TWO: Preparing For Discovery in Plasencia, Spain

  • Class 6: Medieval Spanish Sources: Royal Municipal and Church Records. (25 January 2016)
  • Class 7: The Medieval World of Plasencia, Spain, and Exploring the Cathedral of Plasencia’s Capitulary Acts, Book 1. (3 March 2016)
  • Class 8: Introduction to Reading Spanish Handwriting/Paleography (Part 1). (10 March 2016)
  • Class 9: Introduction to Spanish Handwriting (Part 2). (17 March 2016)

PART THREE: Citizen Scholars at Work – Interpreting Manuscripts

  • Class 10: Transcription & Interpretation Project 1 from the Capitulary Acts. (24 March 2016)
  • Class 11: Transcription & Interpretation Project 2 from the Capitulary Acts. (31 March 2016)
  • Class 12: Transcription & Interpretation Project 3 from the Capitulary Acts, Course Conclusion, and Future Opportunities. (7 April 2016)




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