Managing My Financial Journey

12 h
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  • 4 Sequences
  • Introductive Level
  • Starts on 24 апреля 2016
  • Ends on 28 апреля 2016

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The dramatic events of the financial crisis in the late 2000s transformed the UK financial services industry. Long established institutions went out of business, others were forced into takeovers and only the intervention of governments worldwide - courtesy of eye-watering financial recovery packages - prevented the banking industry from implosion. Now, nearly 10 years on from the crisis, it’s time to take stock and examine how the industry looks today. Most importantly, how is the industry now working for the consumer? What are the products? How competitive is the industry? Is regulation working effectively to protect consumers in the financial market place? Where can consumers go to get help and guidance in a changing financial environment? This four-week course will guide you through the UK financial marketplace, starting with a rapid review of the history of the industry leading up to the financial crisis that transformed it. You will: examine the institutions that comprise the industry and the issues they are currently grappling with walk down the aisles of the financial supermarket to see what’s changing with the products on offer look at how the industry is now regulated find out how this regulation, and the guidance provided by various agencies, can help you make the right, informed choices when transacting in the financial marketplace. At the end of the course you will have gained a full insight into how the financial services industry operates and how you can transact business with knowledge and confidence. This course is presented on FutureLearn with the kind support of True Potential LLP. The True Potential Centre for the Public Understanding of Finance (True Potential PUFin) The True Potential Centre for the Public Understanding of Finance (True Potential PUFin) is a pioneering Centre of Excellence for research in the development of personal financial capabilities, based at The Open University Business School. The establishment and activities of True Potential PUFin have been made possible thanks to the generous support of True Potential LLP, which has committed to a five-year programme of financial support for the Centre totalling £1.4 million.




  • Martin Upton


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