Managing Building Adaptation: A Sustainable Approach

Managing Building Adaptation: A Sustainable Approach

24 h
This content is rated 4.5 out of 5
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  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 6 Sequences
  • Intermediate Level

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Week 1: Managing building adaptation processes
Introduction to building adaptation, the sustainability and managerial challenges involved, the cyclical development process of real estate, and need for management tools.

Week 2: Urban development management
Introduction to urban development management, dealing with contextual issues for building adaptation, such as sustainability policies, real estate markets and location opportunities.

Week 3: Adaptive reuse management
Introduction to the phenomenon of adaptive reuse, focusing on re-design concepts, highest-and-best-use proposals, and financial viability of transformation.

Week 4 Construction and project management
Introduction to construction and project management, dealing with realising adaption plans, making use of organisational structures and smart planning methods.

Week 5: Housing transformation management
Introduction to housing transformation management, including asset management, maintenance and operations, user preferences, and energy efficiency measures.

Week 6: Recap of managing building adaptation
Conclusion and reflection on lessons learned about managing building adaptation, and the applicability and transferability of results to other institutional contexts.


Undergraduate level of studies in the field of built environment.


Erwin Heurkens
Assistant Professor in Urban Development Management at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Delft University of Technology

Martijn Vos
Teaching assistant at the Department of Management in the Built Environment
Delft University of Technology

Hilde Remøy
Associate professor of Real Estate Management at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Delft University of Technology

Gerard van Bortel
Assistant professor of Housing Management at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Delft University of Technology

Jelle Koolwijk
Research associate of the Design & Construction Management at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Delft University of Technology


L’université de technologie de Delft (en néerlandais : Technische Universiteit Delft), plus connue sous le nom de TU Delft est la plus ancienne et importante université publique des Pays-Bas.

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