- From www.coursera.org
Linear and Integer Programming
- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Бесплатный сертификат
- 7 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
Introductory Material
- Introduction to Linear Programming.
- The Diet Problem.
- Linear Programming Formulations.
- Tutorials on using GLPK (AMPL), Matlab, CVX and Microsft Excel.
- The Simplex Algorithm (basics).
- Handling unbounded problems
- Degeneracy
- Geometry of Simplex
- Initializing Simplex.
- Cycling and the Use of Bland's rule.
- Duality: dual variables and dual linear program.
- Strong duality theorem.
- Complementary Slackness.
- KKT conditions for Linear Programs.
- Understanding the dual problem: shadow costs.
- Extra: The revised simplex method.
- Advanced LP formulations: norm optimization.
- Least squares, and quadratic programming.
- Applications #1: Signal reconstruction and De-noising.
- Applications #2: Regression.
- Integer Linear Programming.
- Integer vs. Real-valued variables.
- NP-completeness: basic introduction.
- Reductions from Combinatorial Problems (SAT, TSP and Vertex Cover).
- Approximation Algorithms: Introduction.
- Branch and Bound Method
- Cutting Plane Method
- Applications: solving puzzles (Sudoku), reasoning about systems and other applications.
- Classification and Machine Learning
- Shalom Ruben - Mechanical Engineering
- Sriram Sankaranarayanan - Department of Computer Science
L'université du Colorado à Boulder est une université américaine située à Boulder (Colorado).
L'université est créée en 1870, six ans après la création de l'État du Colorado. Elle est construite sur 30 hectares. En 1872, le campus est agrandi et passe à 80 hectares.
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