Leaders in Global Development

100 h
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  • From Edx
  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 10 Sequences
  • Advanced Level

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Week 1: Introduction to Leadership
Introduction to the concept of leadership in the context of global development, and the differences between leadership and management.

Week 2: Self-Leadership
Highlights the importance of self-leadership and provides guidance on how to engage in self-leadership.

Week 3: Team, Transformational and Authentic Leadership
Introduction to three groups of leadership theories - team leadership, transformational leadership and authentic leadership.

Week 4: Wise Leadership
Introduction to wise leadership including understanding how wisdom is theorized in contemporary times and its relevance to global development.

Week 5: Leadership Contexts, Roles and Styles
Introduction to the different possible leadership roles and styles, and highlights the importance of context.

Week 6: Adaptive Leadership to Address Challenges
Exploration of the relevance of adaptive leadership in global development.

Week 7: Power, Legitimacy, Politics and Influence
Discussion of the different types of power a leader may need to access, and how to maintain legitimacy.

Week 8: Leading Across Boundaries
Exploration of how to be a successful leader across geographical, cultural, organisational and disciplinary boundaries.

Week 9: Principles and Methods of Leadership Development
Analysis of key principles and methods of successful leadership, and suggestions for how to grow as a leader throughout your career.


Participants should have experience, or a strong interest in working in development. While not compulsory, it is recommended that learners have completed a bachelor degree in a relevant discipline.


Ali Intezari
Senior Lecturer
University of Massey

Erin Lord-Lynch
Researcher and PhD Student
The University of Queensland

Bernard McKenna
Associate Professor
The University of Queensland

Mark Moran
Professor and Chair of Development Effectiveness, Institute for Social Science Research
The University of Queensland

Andre Taylor
Leadership Specialist
The International WaterCentre


L'Université du Queensland est une université publique de recherche située principalement à Brisbane, la capitale de l'État australien du Queensland. Fondée en 1909 par le parlement du Queensland, l'UQ est l'une des six universités de grès, une désignation informelle de la plus ancienne université de chaque État. 

En combinant les trois classements mondiaux des universités les plus établis en 2023, l'Université du Queensland est classée 2e en Australie et 42e au monde. UQ est également membre fondateur d' edX, le principal groupe des huit d'Australie et l' association internationale à forte intensité de recherche des universités du Pacifique.


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Les deux universités américaines qui financent la plateforme ont investi 60 millions USD dans son développement. La plateforme France Université Numérique utilise la technologie openedX, supportée par Google.

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