- From www.coursera.org
Introduction to Thermodynamics: Transferring Energy from Here to There
- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 8 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
- Week 1 - Week 1
In this module, we frame the context of energy and power supply and demand around the world. You will learn that understanding and correctly using units are critical skills for successfully analyzing energy systems. It is also important to be able to identify ... - Week 2 - Week 2
In this module, we will get started with the fundamental definitions for energy transfer, including the definitions of work transfer and heat transfer. We will also show (by example) how state diagrams are valuable for explaining energy transfer processes. The... - Week 3 - Week 3
In this module, we introduce our first abstract concepts of thermodynamics properties – including the specific heats, internal energy, and enthalpy. It will take some time for you to become familiar with what these properties represent and how we use these pro... - Week 4 - Week 4
In this module we introduce the combined application of the Conservation of Mass and the Conservation of Energy for system analysis. We also review the common assumptions for typical energy transfer devices, like heat exchangers, pumps and turbines. Together t... - Week 5 - Week 5
In this module, we tackle some of the most difficult systems to analyze – transient or time-varying systems. Any system where the energy transfer changes as a function of time requires transient analysis. Not only are these difficult problems to analyze, they ... - Week 6 - Week 6
In this module, we introduce some of the concepts of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. We will only discuss a small fraction of the vast material that falls under the topic of the Second Law. I encourage you to explore beyond our course material for very inter... - Week 7 - Week 7
In this module we focus on in-depth analysis of a Rankine power plant. The Rankine power plant is the fundamental design for stationary power generation when the working fluid is water (or steam) and the energy carrier is nuclear, coal, gas, or thermal solar p... - Week 8 - Week 8
In this module, we have a brief discussion of energy carriers – including fossil fuels and battery materials. These lectures highlight the thermodynamic properties of these energy carriers and storage materials that make these systems so attractive and at the ...
Margaret Wooldridge, Ph.D.
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering
L'Université du Michigan (UM, UMich ou simplement Michigan) est une université publique de recherche située à Ann Arbor, dans le Michigan, aux États-Unis. Fondée en 1817, l'université est la plus ancienne et la plus grande du Michigan.
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