Statistics: Making Sense of Data

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A first look at data
Weeks 1-2: Summary statistics and graphical displays for a single categorical or quantitative variable and for relationships between two variables.

Collecting data
Week 2:  Sampling.  Observational studies and experiments.  The effect of confounding and concluding causation.

Week 3:  Probability models, the normal distribution, the Law of Large Numbers, the Central Limit Theorem, sampling distributions.

Confidence Intervals 
Week 4: Confidence intervals and sample size estimation for proportions and means.

Tests of significance 
Week 5: Tests of significance, power and sample size estimation for proportions and means

Two samples
Week 6: Tests of significance and confidence intervals for proportions and means in the two sample case.

Simple linear regression
Week 7: Method of least squares, evaluating model fit, the effects of outliers and influential observations.

The process of statistical inquiry
Week 8: Capstone case study.




  • Alison Gibbs - Department of Statistical Sciences
  • Jeffrey Rosenthal - Department of Statistical Sciences


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