- From www.coursera.org
Introduction to Probability and Data

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 5 Sequences
- Introductive Level
- Субтитры доступны на Korean
Course details
- Week 1 - About Introduction to Probability and Data
This course introduces you to sampling and exploring data, as well as basic probability theory. You will examine various types of sampling methods and discuss how such methods can impact the utility of a data analysis. The concepts in this module will serve...
- Week 1 - Introduction to Data
Welcome to Introduction to Probability and Data! I hope you are just as excited about this course as I am! In the next five weeks, we will learn about designing studies, explore data via numerical summaries and visualizations, and learn about rules of proba...
- Week 2 - Exploratory Data Analysis and Introduction to Inference
Welcome to Week 2 of Introduction to Probability and Data! Hope you enjoyed materials from Week 1. This week we will delve into numerical and categorical data in more depth, and introduce inference.
- Week 3 - Introduction to Probability
Welcome to Week 3 of Introduction to Probability and Data! Last week we explored numerical and categorical data. This week we will discuss probability, conditional probability, the Bayes’ theorem, and provide a light introduction to Bayesian inference.
... - Week 4 - Probability Distributions
Great work so far! Welcome to Week 4 -- the last content week of Introduction to Probability and Data! This week we will introduce two probability distributions: the normal and the binomial distributions in particular. As usual, you can evaluate your knowle...
- Week 5 - Data Analysis Project
Well done! You have reached the last week of Introduction to Probability and Data! There will not be any new videos in this week, instead, you will be asked to complete an initial data analysis project with a real-world data set. The project is designed to ...
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
Associate Professor of the Practice
Department of Statistical Science
L'université Duke est une université de recherche privée nord-américaine, située à Durham (Caroline du Nord). L'université est nommée d'après la dynastie Duke.
Bien que l'université ne fût officiellement fondée qu'en 1924 (ses racines remontent jusqu'en 1838). Fréquemment appelée la « Harvard du Sud », Duke est l'université la plus sélective du Sud des États-Unis.
L'université est membre de l'Association des universités américaines, une association qui, depuis 1900, regroupe les universités de recherches d'élite d'Amérique du Nord.

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