Innovation and Design for Global Grand Challenges

Innovation and Design for Global Grand Challenges

50 h
This content is rated 4.5 out of 5
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  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 5 Sequences
  • Introductive Level

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Course details


  • Week 1 - Welcome and Course Overview
    This course will focus on new approaches to development problems that harness technological and financial innovations, coupled with entrepreneurship, to improve the scale, sustainability, and efficacy of development and conservation approaches. Specifically, t...
  • Week 1 - Grand Challenges of Development
    Most stereotypes of the developing world paint a simple picture of a subsistence farmer with impoverished children. However, when we dig deeper into the data, we find the developing world exhibits substantial complexity that belies traditional stereotypes. In ...
  • Week 2 - Grand Challenges in Conservation
    We are in the middle of a period of extraordinary change on the planet, a sixth great mass extinction. Unlike the previous mass extinction events, this is the first extinction in Earth’s history that is driven by the actions of a single species. During this pe...
  • Week 3 - Exponential Technology and Open Source Innovation
    The democratization of science and technology has given us powerful new tools to apply to the grand challenges identified in previous modules. Technology has gained exponentially in processing power, memory capacity, sensor density and number, pixel capacity, ...
  • Week 4 - Behavioral Innovation, Financial Innovation, and Design
    Behavior is the cutting edge of adaptation. It can be the fastest way to meaningful change and also the biggest barrier against it. Behavioral innovations such as incentives and rewards, harnessing competition and gamification, knowledge gaps, social pressure ...
  • Week 5 - Entrepreneurship
    Once you have your idea or innovation, how do you translate it into an enterprise (entrepreneurship) or a startup within a company or institution (intrapreneurship)? How do you influence other companies to adopt your novel approach (extrapreneurship)? How do y...




Alex Dehgan, J.D., M.S., Ph.D
The Chanler Innovator in Residence and the Inaugural David M. Rubenstein Fellow
Innovation & Entrepreneurship


L'université Duke est une université de recherche privée nord-américaine, située à Durham (Caroline du Nord). L'université est nommée d'après la dynastie Duke. 

Bien que l'université ne fût officiellement fondée qu'en 1924 (ses racines remontent jusqu'en 1838). Fréquemment appelée la « Harvard du Sud », Duke est l'université la plus sélective du Sud des États-Unis. 

L'université est membre de l'Association des universités américaines, une association qui, depuis 1900, regroupe les universités de recherches d'élite d'Amérique du Nord.


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