Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Accessibility

12 h
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  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 6 Sequences
  • Introductive Level

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Course details


This course includes six modules, each having associated activities and a quiz:

Module 1: ICT Accessibility
This module will provide an introduction to ICT accessibility as well as an overview of the relevance of the five subsequent modules in this course.

Module 2: ICT Accessibility Design
This module will provide instruction on the importance of ICT accessibility in designing and procuring workplace applications.

Module 3: Assistive Technology
This module will provide instruction on the impact of assistive technology (AT) and mainstream technology on individuals with disabilities.

Module 4: Accessible Documents and Multimedia
This module will provide instruction on the elements of an accessible document, accessibility standards, tools to check accessibility, multimedia captioning and audio description standards and guidelines.

Module 5: Web Accessibility Evaluation and Design
This module will provide instruction on web accessibility through utilizing online evaluation and remediation tools using HTML5 and ARIA.

Module 6: ICT Accessibility Operations
This module will provide an overview of ICT accessibility market forces and organization challenges, and will outline how an ICT Accessibility Operation Model can help organizations address their challenges.




Christopher M. Lee,
Department Head, AMAC Accessibility Solutions and Research Center
Georgia Institute of Technology

Arthur R. Murphy
Information Architect
Georgia Institute of Technology

Carolyn Patricia Phillips
Director and Principal Investigator, Tools for Life
Georgia Institute of Technology

Sheryl Ballenger,
Manager, Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Services
Georgia Institute of Technology

Norah Sinclair
User Support and Digital Accessibility Specialist
Georgia Institute of Technology

Todd Runkle
Information Technology Manager
Georgia Institute of Technology

Bill Curtis-Davidson
Senior Director of Program & Policy Services


The Georgia Institute of Technology


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