Inferential Statistics

Inferential Statistics

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  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 7 Sequences
  • Introductive Level

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Course details


  • Week 1 - About the Specialization and the Course
    This short module introduces basics about Coursera specializations and courses in general, this specialization: Statistics with R, and this course: Inferential Statistics. Please take several minutes to browse them through. Thanks for joining us in this course...
  • Week 1 - Central Limit Theorem and Confidence Interval
    Welcome to Inferential Statistics! In this course we will discuss Foundations for Inference. Check out the learning objectives, start watching the videos, and finally work on the quiz and the labs of this week. In addition to videos that introduce new concepts...
  • Week 2 - Inference and Significance
    Welcome to Week Two! This week we will discuss formal hypothesis testing and relate testing procedures back to estimation via confidence intervals. These topics will be introduced within the context of working with a population mean, however we will also give ...
  • Week 3 - Inference for Comparing Means
    Welcome to Week Three of the course! This week we will introduce the t-distribution and comparing means as well as a simulation based method for creating a confidence interval: bootstrapping. If you have questions or discussions, please use this week's forum t...
  • Week 4 - Inference for Proportions
    Welcome to Week Four of our course! In this unit, we’ll discuss inference for categorical data. We use methods introduced this week to answer questions like “What proportion of the American public approves of the job of the Supreme Court is doing?”.
  • Week 5 - Data Analysis Project
    In this week you will use the data set provided to complete and report on a data analysis question. Please read the background information, review the report template (downloaded from the link in Lesson Project Information), and then complete the peer review a...




Annemarie Zand Scholten
Assistant Professor
Economics and Business

Emiel van Loon
Assistant Professor
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics


L'université Duke est une université de recherche privée nord-américaine, située à Durham (Caroline du Nord). L'université est nommée d'après la dynastie Duke. 

Bien que l'université ne fût officiellement fondée qu'en 1924 (ses racines remontent jusqu'en 1838). Fréquemment appelée la « Harvard du Sud », Duke est l'université la plus sélective du Sud des États-Unis. 

L'université est membre de l'Association des universités américaines, une association qui, depuis 1900, regroupe les universités de recherches d'élite d'Amérique du Nord.


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