- From www.coursera.org
Heterogeneous Parallel Programming

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- 9 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
- Week One: Introduction to HeterogeneousComputing, Overview of CUDA C, and Kernel-Based Parallel Programming, with lab tourand programming assignment of vector addition in CUDA C.
- Week Two: Memory Model for Locality, Tilingfor Conserving Memory Bandwidth, Handling Boundary Conditions, and PerformanceConsiderations, with programming assignment of simple matrix-matrix multiplicationin CUDA C.
- Week Three: Parallel Convolution Pattern, withprogramming assignment of tiled matrix-matrix multiplication in CUDA C.
- Week Four: Parallel Scan Pattern, withprogramming assignment of parallel convolution in CUDA C.
- Week Five: Parallel Histogram Pattern andAtomic Operations, with programming assignment of parallel scan in CUDA C.
- Week Six: Data Transfer and TaskParallelism, with programming assignment of parallel histogram in CUDA C.
- Week Seven: Introduction to OpenCL,Introduction to C++AMP, Introduction to OpenACC, with programming assignment ofvector addition using streams in CUDA C.
- Week Eight: Course Summary,Other Related Programming Models –Thrust, Bolt, and CUDA FORTRAN, withprogramming assignment of simple matrix-matrix multiplication in choice ofOpenCL, C++AMP, or OpenACC.
- Week Nine: complete anyremaining lab assignments, with optional, bonus programming assignments in choiceof OpenCL, C++AMP, or OpenACC.
- Wen-mei Hwu - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
L’université de l’Illinois à Urbana-Champaign est fondée en 1867 (UIUC). Le campus principal de l’université de l’Illinois est situé dans les villes jumelles de Champaign et Urbana, à deux cents kilomètres au sud de Chicago.
Cette grande université est classée parmi les plus prestigieuses mondialement par divers moyens de mesure, comme le Center for World University Rankings qui la place 22ème mondialement pour la période 2020-21.

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