Confronting Gender Based Violence: Global Lessons with Case Studies from India

Confronting Gender Based Violence: Global Lessons with Case Studies from India

12 h
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  • 6 Sequences
  • Introductive Level

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After taking the course, students will be able to:

  1. Describe the global epidemiology of leading forms of GBV and the evidence linking GBV to poor health.
  2. Articulate the challenges, strategies, and WHO guidelines for integrating GBV response within the health sector.
  3. Describe the components of a comprehensive clinical assessment, treatment and management of a GBV survivor.
  4. Describe the appropriate psychosocial support and management of a GBV survivor.
  5. Articulate the necessary ethical protections for GBV-related research.
  6. Consider both the policy and practical context of GBV in a given community.

Module 1– Epidemiology and Health Impact

GBV comes in a variety of forms, each with health consequences for the survivor.  An understanding of these issues helps inform a comprehensive and multisectorial response in preventing and responding to GBV.  A case study will provide an in-depth view of these issues in India.

Module 2 – Integrating GBV in the health sector: Screening & Support

Recognition of the health impact of GBV has led to calls to address GBV within the health sector.  What is the evidence? What are international best practices?  What challenges must be addressed to sustain a GBV response in clinical settings?  Case study provides an in-depth look at the implementation of a hospital-based intervention program in India.

Module 3 – Clinical Care for GBV Survivors

Caring for GBV survivors requires patient-centered, compassionate, confidential and non-discriminatory clinical assessment.  Competent medical and forensic examination along with appropriate documentation is essential.

Module 4 – Psychosocial Support for GBV Survivors

Support for GBV survivors extends beyond clinical exam and assessment.  Safety planning, harm reduction and access to psychosocial or mental health support must be established.  Case study describes a promising approach for community-based prevention and support in India.

Module 5 – Research, Policy, Practice and Prevention

GBV research has unique challenges.  Ethical considerations are inherent.   Policy plays a role in both practice and prevention.  What community-based strategies exist for GBV prevention and intervention, and what evidence exists to support these?

Supplemental Case Studies:

In this section, special populations and programs are highlighted.  These include violence in humanitarian settings, adolescents, sex workers, and human trafficking.  Child marriage in India and an integrated GBV/HIV intervention program in Uganda will be examined.  We’ll highlight the work from the innovative Pigs for Peace program in Democratic Republic of Congo, and the CEHAT Dilaasa Crisis Centre of Mumbai, India.




  • Michele Decker - Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health


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