- From www.coursera.org
Managing the Company of the Future

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 5 Sequences
- Introductive Level
- Субтитры доступны на Arabic
Course details
Week 1: Why we need to reinvent management
- Management versus Leadership: what each one is, why we need them both.
- Evidence for the failure of management
- The underlying problem: a social technology that has not evolved.
- The future of management.
- Management model: an important concept, the guiding framework for the course.
- What is your management model?
Week 2: The "means" of managing
- Traditional and alternative approaches to coordination.
- Traditional and alternative approaches to decision-making.
- Trying out these ideas in your company: experiments in emergence and collective wisdom.
Week 3: The "ends" of managing
- Traditional and alternative approaches to motivation.
- Traditional and alternative approaches to objective-setting.
- Trying out these ideas in your company: experiments in motivation and obliquity.
Week 4: Redefining a company's management model
- Mapping your model, and how you would like it to change.
- Forces for change and those that reinforce the status quo.
- Top-driven vs bottom-up change.
- Designing and running your own management experiment.
- A broader perspective: how management ideas gain and lose currency.
Week 5: Making it personal: Becoming a better boss
- The challenge of managing effectively at an individual level.
- What does a good manager do really?
- Know your employees: see the world through their eyes.
- Know yourself: understand your own limitations.
- Tips and tricks for becoming a better boss.
Julian Birkinshaw
Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship
London Business School

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