Fixing Healthcare Delivery

Fixing Healthcare Delivery

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  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 9 Sequences
  • Introductive Level

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  • Week 1 - Introduction: Who is Caring for Mary?
    100,000 patients die annually as a consequence of preventable medical errors, and over 1 million patients suffer life-changing injuries. Despite the calls to action medical errors continue at the rate of 1 out of 10 patients. How can those of us who help to de...
  • Week 2 - Applying Manufacturing Principles to Improve Healthcare
    In this module we will be discussing the manufacturing principles of the Toyota Production System. The concept of value stream or work flow diagrams will be introduced. The well known 80/20 rule in manufacturing will be applied to patient care. The 8 ways wast...
  • Week 3 - Healthcare Requires Teamwork
    Teamwork is critical in modern healthcare. We will explore the state of healthcare teamwork in most healthcare systems. The 5 resources required for effective teams will be reviewed, and we will discuss how athletic principles can be used to encourage teamwork...
  • Week 4 - Understanding and Preventing Human Error Part I
    This module will be discussing the consequences of medical errors, and you will learn from Sorrel King's loss of her daughter, Josie, and from my personal experience that preventable injuries not only cause death but also can lead to permanent life changing in...
  • Week 5 - Understanding and Preventing Human Error Part II
    This module introduces you to the famous W. Edwards Deming red bead experiment that illustrates the tyranny of random variation, and introduce the use of run charts to differentiate random or common cause from specific cause variation. Next we will introduce y...
  • Week 6 - We All Can Lead: Becoming an Adaptive Leader
    In this module, we will be discussing the need in healthcare for distributive leadership that is adaptive. The complexity of healthcare prevents one leader from micromanaging a healthcare system, and leadership must be encouraged on the front lines of care. Ef...
  • Week 7 - How Organizing People can Drive Change in Healthcare Delivery
    Change requires those on the front lines to embrace new approaches to care and to work across department barriers. This session will use our Founding Father Samuel Adams to exemplify the approaches that have been used for decades to encourage others to come to...
  • Week 8 - Immunity to Change, Examples of Successful Patient Care Initiatives, and Final Summary
    In this final module we will review why many of us fail to change our viewpoints and behavior. We will discuss how you can overcome your natural immunity to change. Next we will review the key points from each of the past 7 module, and then outline a general p...
  • Week 9 - Final Exam
    This is the final exam.




Frederick S. Southwick, MD
College of Medicine


The University of Florida (UF) is recognized nationally and internationally as a leader in academic excellence, both on campus and online. Ranked in the top 20 of Public Universities, the University of Florida is the state’s oldest university and has a long established tradition of academic excellence.


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