Exploring Our Oceans

Exploring Our Oceans

18 h
This content is rated 4.5 out of 5
  • From www.futurelearn.com
  • Free Access
  • Бесплатный сертификат
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  • 6 Sequences
  • Introductive Level
  • Starts on 30 августа 2015
  • Ends on 5 сентября 2015

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The first astronauts to leave the Earth’s orbit saw our “blue planet” for the first time. But what lies in the half of our world covered by water more than two miles deep? How are our everyday lives connected to the ocean depths, and what challenges and opportunities does this previously hidden realm hold for our future? In this course you will join scientists exploring the ocean from the deepest undersea vents to the chilly waters of the Poles, going deeper, longer, and more often than ever before - and find how what we now know about the ocean depths is as amazing as the unknown that remains. By taking this course, you will see how the deep ocean is no longer out of reach, and join a global debate about the future of our “blue planet”. The course consists of six structured weeks, each dealing with a different aspect of exploring our oceans, but brought together by a common narrative. The course content includes a variety of videos, articles, discussions and assignments. The course provides a taster of the subject and we hope the topics we have chosen give you an overview of this fascinating area. For those requiring further depth, we’ll be providing external links and additional resources each week.




  • Jon Copley & Verity Nye


FutureLearn est une plate-forme d'apprentissage proposant des formations en ligne ouvertes à tous (MOOC)

Fondée en Décembre 2012, la société est entièrement détenue par l'Open University à Milton Keynes, en Angleterre.

Elle est la 1ère plateforme offrant des MOOC au Royaume-Uni, avec à son actif plus d'une cinquantaine d'universités partenaires provenant du Royaume Uni mais aussi du reste du monde.

FutureLearn se différencie également par des partenariats avec des entités non-universitaires comme le British Museum, le British Council, la British Library et la national Film and Television School.

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