- From www.coursera.org
Entrepreneurship Strategy: From Ideation to Exit
- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 4 Sequences
- Introductive Level
- Субтитры доступны на French
Course details
WEEK 1 - Knowing who you are
Welcome to the module 1. In this week, we’re going to deal with knowing who you are, because knowing yourself is the key to shaping a project that will truly fulfill you. We will talk about your “intimate mechanics”, and take a closer look at your inner functioning. We will also discuss your intrinsic values to help you assess if they match the demanding reality of entrepreneurship. Finally, we will see how you can analyze and then consolidate your “belief system”, i.e. the set of values that are the pillars of your personal and professional life.
WEEK 2 - Securing the first key steps of your entrepreneurial project
Welcome to the module 2- this week, you will learn about some creativity techniques designed for entrepreneurship. You will also learn a step by step strategy to gather a founding team. Finally, you will be able to learn about the analysis of your financial strategy, so as to decide if you should raise money…or not…and how.
WEEK 3 - Igniting your project
In this module, you will learn the basics of day to day cash management as well as selecting and monitoring the right financial indicators. In the second part of this module, you will learn the importance of Selling: the great art of creating. We will also discuss about how to maintain rapport and how to launch a product by using the cohort analysis.
WEEK 4 - The path to maturity
In this module, you will explore the challenges of human resources i.e. recruiting when nobody knows you, training on constantly evolving processes, and managing on a perpetually changing scale. Furthermore, a step by step strategy to international expansion. Finally, you will understand the importance of exit strategies.
Ambroise Huret
Partner at Eleven Strategy & Management
strategy and management
HEC Paris est une grande école française créée en 1881, gérée et financée par la chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Paris.
Elle fait partie du Groupe HEC, une structure administrative créée par la Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Paris (CCIP) en 1970, sous le nom de Centre d'enseignement supérieur des affaires, afin de rassembler l'École des hautes études commerciales, l'Institut supérieur des affaires (ISA) et le Centre de formation continue. Le Centre de perfectionnement aux affaires de Paris a été intégré au Groupe HEC en 1999. Le Groupe HEC propose différentes formations au management et à l'entrepreneuriat : cursus classique sur concours (appelé cursus Grande école) débouchant sur un diplôme de Master of Science, Mastères spécialisés, MBA, Executive MBA, doctorat et formations professionnelles certifiante (CESA).
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