Energy Principles and Renewable Energy

Energy Principles and Renewable Energy

140 h
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  • 14 Sequences
  • Advanced Level
  • Starts on 8 сентября 2020
  • Ends on 31 января 2021

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Background:Energy Literacy
An introduction to the language of energy aimed at those without an engineering or science background, to allow learners to engage with the material that follows.
Topic 1: The Challenge
This topic describes some of the challenges we face in creating sustainable energy systems given the world's increasing demand for energy and the threat posed by climate change.
Topic 2: Energy systems
We will introduce learners to some of the fundamental science that governs energy systems and energy transformation.
Topic 3: Bioenergy
This topic describes the uses of Bioenergy, carbon footprint, global uptake and future possibilities.
Topic 4: Geothermal
This topic describes the uses of geothermal energy, carbon footprint, global uptake and future possibilities.
Topic 5: Solar
This topic investigates the different types of solar energy and then describes how solar energy can be used, its carbon footprint, global uptake and future possibilities.
Topic 6: Wind power
This topic describes how energy from the wind can be used, its carbon footprint, global uptake and future possibilities.
Topic 7: Hydropower
This topic focuses on how hydropower is used to create energy, how this energy can be used, its carbon footprint, global uptake and future possibilities.
Topic 8: Ocean power
This topic describes how energy can be extracted from the ocean's waves and tides, how this energy can be used, its carbon footprint, how much is used around the world and its future possibilities.
Topic 9: Energy storage
This topic introduces learners to the ways energy can be stored, the characteristics of an energy storage system and the possible uses of an energy storage system.
Topic 10: Electricity management
In electricity management learners will be introduced to how electricity markets work, transmission and distribution concepts and the requirement for balancing the grid.


  • Ability to perform simple mathematical operations.
  • Advanced English language skills.


Simon Smart
Senior Research Fellow, Dow Centre for Sustainable Engineering Innovation
The University of Queensland


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