Differential Equations in Action

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  • From www.udacity.com
  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
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  • 8 Sequences
  • Introductive Level

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Lesson 1: Rescuing Apollo 13, Part 1

Introduction to the Forward Euler Method

Lesson 2: Rescuing Apollo 13, Part 2

Comparing solvers, Heun’s Method, and the Symplectic Euler Method

Lesson 3: Analyzing the Spread of Diseases

Implicit methods and stiffness

Lesson 4: There’s Plenty of Fish in the Sea?

Stability, sensitivity, and optimization

Lesson 5: Antilock Brake Systems

Friction, equilibria, and control theory

Lesson 6: The Path of a Forest Fire

Partial differential equations and heat conduction

Lesson 7: Advanced Applications of Numerical Methods

Chaos, software, and predictive capability




  • Jörn Loviscach - Jörn Loviscach is a professor of technical mathematics and computer engineering. In a former life, he was a professor of computer graphics, animation, and simulation, worked as editor and senior editor for several computer magazines. For three years he also served as deputy editor-in-chief of , a renowned German biweekly. His research integrates human-computer interaction, visual computing, and audio and music computing. Both as a researcher and as a practitioner he is interested in applying digital media to education. He has published over 1800 video lectures on his YouTube channel on mathematics and computer science, and his channel is one of the most popular of its kind in Germany.


Udacity est une entreprise fondé par Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, et Mike Sokolsky offrant cours en ligne ouvert et massif.

Selon Thrun, l'origine du nom Udacity vient de la volonté de l'entreprise d'être "audacieux pour vous, l'étudiant ". Bien que Udacity se concentrait à l'origine sur une offre de cours universitaires, la plateforme se concentre désormais plus sur de formations destinés aux professionnels.

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