- From www.udacity.com
Browser Rendering Optimization

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- 4 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
*The News Aggregator App* - Turn an unusable app into a high performance, 60 frame per second experience. You'll be given a news aggregator app that uses the to display the day's top stories. The news aggregator has *lots* of performance issues. You'll demonstrate your understanding of performance by destroying all the jank and creating an experience that users will love.Lesson 1 - The Critical Rendering Path
* You'll play Jank Invaders to develop your eye for jank!* You'll learn how the browser turns HTML into pixels on the page* You'll learn how different CSS styles affect the rendering pipeline differently.Lesson 2 - App Lifecycles
* You'll learn how there are four distinct phases in an app's lifecycle: Response, Animation, Idle and Load (RAIL).* You'll learn how your frame budget changes depending on where the user is in RAIL.* You'll practice thinking through app workloads at different stages in RAIL.Lesson 3 - Weapons of Jank Destruction
* You'll learn how to make sense of the Timeline panel in Chrome DevTools.* You'll practice profiling a few different apps to find the source of jank.Lesson 4 - JavaScript
* You'll optimize JavaScript to hit 60fps during animations.* You'll move expensive JavaScript operations off the main thread and into Web Workers.* You'll debug a janky copy of a production quality app - .Lesson 5 - Styles and Layout
* You'll learn how accessing the wrong CSS properties at inopportune moments can create loads of extra work for the browser.* You'll debug multiple instances of one of the nastiest performance problems - Forced Synchronous Layout.Lesson 6 - Compositing and Painting
* You'll practice profiling layer and paint performance with the paint profiler tool in the DevTools Timeline.* You'll manage and optimize layers to reduce the number of steps the browser needs to take to render each frame.* You'll demonstrate everything you've learned about performance as you de-jankify the News Aggregator App!Prerequisite
- Paul Lewis - Paul works on the Google Chrome team as a Developer Advocate. He spends his days profiling runtime performance issues, and helping developers to build faster sites and apps. Do not be fooled by his extreme baldness; it's a solar panel for his cunning and guile.
- Cameron Pittman - A passionate educator and programmer, Cameron lives and breathes web development as he creates programming courses at Udacity. Before coming here, Cameron was a combination Director of Content and web developer at Seattle startup LearnBIG. He taught four years of high school physics and chemistry in Nashville, TN, during which time he pioneered teaching physics with the video game Portal 2. Cameron graduated with a degree in physics and astronomy from Vanderbilt University and earned his master's in teaching from Belmont University.
Google est une entreprise fondée le 4 septembre 1998 dans le garage Google dans la Silicon Valley, en Californie, par Larry Page et Sergueï Brin, créateurs du moteur de recherche Google.
L'entreprise s'est principalement fait connaître à travers la situation monopolistique de son moteur de recherche, concurrencé historiquement par AltaVista puis par Yahoo! et Bing. Elle a ensuite procédé à de nombreuses acquisitions et développements et détient aujourd'hui de nombreux logiciels et sites web notables parmi lesquels YouTube, le système d'exploitation pour téléphones mobiles Android, ainsi que d'autres services tels que Google Earth, Google Maps ou Google Play.

Udacity est une entreprise fondé par Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, et Mike Sokolsky offrant cours en ligne ouvert et massif.
Selon Thrun, l'origine du nom Udacity vient de la volonté de l'entreprise d'être "audacieux pour vous, l'étudiant ". Bien que Udacity se concentrait à l'origine sur une offre de cours universitaires, la plateforme se concentre désormais plus sur de formations destinés aux professionnels.