Bioelectricity: A Quantitative Approach

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  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 7 Sequences
  • Intermediate Level

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  • Week 1 - Electricity in Solutions
    This week's theme focuses on the foundations of bioelectricity including electricity in solutions.

    The learning objectives for this week are:

    • Explain the conflict between Galvani and Volta

    • Interpret the polarity of Vm in terms of voltage...

  • Week 2 - Energy into Voltage
    This week we will examine energy, by which pumps and channels allow membranes to "charge their batteries" and thereby have a non-zero voltage across their membranes at rest.

    The learning objectives for this week are:

    • Describe the function of th...
    • Week 3 - Passive and Active Resonses, Channels
      This week we'll be discussing channels and the remarkable experimental findings on how membranes allow ions to pass through specialized pores in the membrane wall.

      The learning objectives for this week are:

      • Describe the passive as compared to act...
      • Week 4 - Hodgkin-Huxley Membrane Models
        This week we will examine the Hodgkin-Huxley model, the Nobel-prize winning set of ideas describing how membranes generate action potentials by sequentially allowing ions of sodium and potassium to flow.

        The learning objectives for this week are:

        • ...
        • Week 5 - Axial and Membrane Current in the Core-Conductor Model
          This week we will examine axial and transmembrane currents within and around the tissue structure: including how these currents are determined by transmembrane voltages from site to site within the tissue, at each moment.

          The learning objectives for this we...

        • Week 6 - Propagation
          this week we will examine how action potentials in one region normally produce action potentials in adjacent regions, so that there is a sequence of action potentials, an excitation wave. the learning objectives for this week are:

          • Identify the diff...
          • Week 7 - Course Conclusion and Final Exam
            In Week 7, we will briefly review the course, take a quick look at the next course at the second course in the series and complete the final exam. Good luck and thank you for joining me in the course. rcb.




Dr. Roger Barr
Anderson-Rupp Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Biomedical Engineering, Pediatrics


L'université Duke est une université de recherche privée nord-américaine, située à Durham (Caroline du Nord). L'université est nommée d'après la dynastie Duke. 

Bien que l'université ne fût officiellement fondée qu'en 1924 (ses racines remontent jusqu'en 1838). Fréquemment appelée la « Harvard du Sud », Duke est l'université la plus sélective du Sud des États-Unis. 

L'université est membre de l'Association des universités américaines, une association qui, depuis 1900, regroupe les universités de recherches d'élite d'Amérique du Nord.


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