Biobased Products for a Sustainable (Bio)economy

Biobased Products for a Sustainable (Bio)economy

50 h
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  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 10 Sequences
  • Introductive Level

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Week 1: Understand the need for sustainable innovation and how biorefinery, bioconversion, and biobased production can contribute to this.

Week 2: Introduction to the worlds of chemo- and biocatalysis, protein engineering and fermentation.

Weeks 3-6: Biobased products – learn about the production and commercialization of bioenergy, biopolymers, biosurfactants, and bioflavours in each of the four weeks featuring real-life examples.

Week 7: Hear personal perspectives on the development of the biobased economy from the teachers of this course.


Basic knowledge of a natural science like biology


Juergen Rabenhorst
Professor of Industrial Biotechnology
OWL University of Applied Sciences

Manfred Kircher
Chairman Advisory Board

Lars M. Blank
Head of Institute of Applied Microbiology
RWTH Aachen University

Frank Hollmann
Associate Professor Biocatalysis
Delft University of Technology

Patricia Osseweijer
Professor Science Communication
Delft University of Technology

Ulrich Schwaneberg
Chair of Biotechnology
RWTH Aachen University

Aljoscha Wahl
Assistant Professor Systems Biology
Delft University of Technology

Harry Bitter
Professor Biobased Chemistry and Technology
Wageningen University & Research

Wim Soetaert
Professor of Industrial Biotechnology and Microbiology
Ghent University

Sophie Roelants
Dr. Assistant in Industrial Biotechnology and Microbiology
Ghent University


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