Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics

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  • 8 Sequences
  • Introductive Level
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Course details


  • Week 1 - 1
    Unit # 1: Course Introduction and OverviewOverview: Unit # 1 provides an overview to the field of human behavioral genetics and to this course. We will begin by discussing the early history of the field and how behavioral genetic research influenced and was...
  • Week 2 - 2
    In Unit #2 the twin study method will be introduced and general findings from twin studies in psychology and psychiatry will be reviewed. The two types of twins, monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ), will be described and methods for assessing their similarity ...
  • Week 3 - 3
    Some of the most contentious issues in behavioral genetics surround the concept of heritability – Is it a meaningful statistic? Can it be accurately estimated in studies on humans? How should it be interpreted? In this unit we will discuss what is meant by her...
  • Week 4 - 4
    The Human Genome Project (HGP) was begun in 1990 and declared complete in 2003. It has revolutionized our understanding of genetics and will ultimately revolutionize medical practice. In my opinion, every educated citizen should know some basic findings from t...
  • Week 5 - 5
    Now that we have a foundation in basic biometric and molecular genetics we can begin to look in depth at genetic research for behavioral phenotypes. This week we will focus on schizophrenia. There are several reasons for this focus. First, genetics research ha...
  • Week 6 - 6
    If there is an area of psychology that generates more heated debate than behavioral genetics it would be the field of intelligence research. While most of us acknowledge the differences among us in personality and even risk for mental illness, for some of us d...
  • Week 7 - 7
    I am sure many of you wondered about the impact of age on biometric estimates when we discussed general cognitive ability last week. Indeed some of you asked about this issue on the Forums. You were right to raise the question because this is an important issu...
  • Week 8 - 8
    It is hard to believe we are already to the 8th and final week of the course. This unit begins with an overall summary of human behavioral genetic research organized around four general findings, or ‘laws’ of behavioral genetic research. We will then consider,...




Matt McGue
Regents Professor


L'université du Minnesota, Twin Cities est une université américaine fondée en 1851.

Elle se situe conjointement dans les villes de Minneapolis et de Saint Paul dites les « villes jumelles (Twin Cities) » de l'État du Minnesota aux États-Unis. L'université constitue la partie la plus ancienne et plus grande du système universitaire du Minnesota. Elle est souvent classée parmi les 30 meilleures universités au monde par le classement de Shanghaï (Academic Ranking of World Universities).

Son corps étudiant est le deuxième plus grand des États-Unis avec 52 557 étudiants, et un rapport de 1 professeur pour 16 étudiants. Il est situé sur deux campus dans chacune des deux villes reliés par un système d'autobus réservé à l'université. À cause de la géographie particulière du Minnesota (plus de 12 000 lacs, et des centaines de kilomètres de parcs et de forêts), l'université a une activité de recherche intense en environnement, ressources et énergies renouvelables et développement durable. Son impact économique annuel est estimée à 8,9 milliards de dollars sur l'économie locale.


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