- From www.coursera.org
Preparing for the AP* Calculus AB and BC Exams (Part 1 - Differential Calculus)

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Бесплатный сертификат
- 6 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
- Week 1 - Limits and Continuity: limits of functions, asymptotic behavior, unboundedbehavior, continuity properties of functions, the intermediate value theorem, limits of trigonometric functions and the extreme value theorem.
Assessments: Practice Problems and Quizzes
- Week 2 - Derivatives of Polynomials and Trigonometric Functions, Chain Rule, Higher OrderDerivatives, and Implicit Differentiation: definition and concept of the derivative, derivativerules, higher order derivatives,interpretation of the derivative, chain rule,implicit differentiation.
Assessments: Practice Problems and Quizzes
- Week 3 - Applications of the Derivative: related rates, velocity/acceleration, MeanValue Theorem, intervals of increase/decrease, extreme values, concavity, points of Inflection and curve sketching.
Assessments: Practice Problems and Quizzes
- Week 4 - Transcendental Functions: inverse functions, exponential and natural logarithm functions, inverse trigonometric functions and hyperbolic functions.
Assessments: Practice Problems and Quizzes
- Week 5 - Further Applications of the Derivative: optimization, differentials L'Hospital's Rule.
Assessments: Practice Problems and Quizzes
- Week 6 - Practice AB Exam
Assessments: Two exams
- Rebecca George - Mathematics
- Jeffrey Morgan - Academic Affairs and the Department of Mathematics

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