- From www.coursera.org
Advanced Interviewing Techniques
- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 5 Sequences
- Introductive Level
- Субтитры доступны на Arabic
Course details
- Week 1 - Answering "Tell Me About a Time..." Questions
In this module, you will learn how to respond to behavioral interview questions, also known as competency-based interview questions. You will learn to: differentiate competencies from skills, break down the thinking behind a hiring organization's use of this ... - Week 2 - Answering "What If..." Questions
In this module, you will learn how to respond to situational interview questions, also known as "What If" interview questions. These also include the so-called "wild-card" interview questions. You will learn to: recognize what the hiring organization is looki... - Week 3 - Answering "What is Your Biggest Weakness?"
In this module, you will learn how to respond to questions that probe for weaknesses. You will learn to: recognize what the hiring organization is looking for in asking these questions, avoid common pitfalls in answering this question, demonstrate mature self-... - Week 4 - Handling the End of the Interview
In this module, you will learn how to ask your own questions and how to negotiate a job offer. You will learn to: ask questions that communicate your strengths and competencies, ask questions that help you determine whether the organization is a good fit for y... - Week 5 - How to Ace a Telephone Interview
In this module, you will learn how to perform successfully on telephone interviews. You will learn: how best to prepare for phone interviews, how to communicate a strong, confident personality on the phone, how to maintain your confidence throughout a phone i...
Charles Duquette
Lecturer/Marketing Coordinator
Maryland English Institute
Daniela C. Wagner-Loera
Full-Time Lecturer
Maryland English Institute, University of Maryland College Park
L'université du Maryland est l'université phare de l'État et l'une des principales universités publiques de recherche du pays. Leader mondial en matière de recherche, d'entrepreneuriat et d'innovation, l'université accueille plus de 37 000 étudiants, 9 000 membres du corps enseignant et du personnel, et 250 programmes académiques.
Son corps professoral compte trois lauréats du prix Nobel, trois lauréats du prix Pulitzer, 47 membres des académies nationales et un grand nombre de chercheurs Fulbright. L'institution dispose d'un budget de fonctionnement de 1,8 milliard de dollars, obtient 500 millions de dollars par an en financement externe de la recherche et a récemment achevé une campagne de collecte de fonds d'un milliard de dollars.
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