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Course details
Week 1: Urgency and challenges with critical raw materials (CRMs) and waste. How can we find out what CRMs are in products, and how can we get them back? The effects of materials shortage, future development and geo-politics on raw materials. Current waste management of products containing CRMs in general, waste management of commercial and household waste, regulation of electric and electronic waste (WEEE). Environmental problems such as leaching heavy metals from incinerator ashes and landfills. Partial metals retrieval from incinerator ashes.
Week 2: Different collection systems for recycling and remanufacturing/refurbishment, recycling psychology and the separate waste collection of commercial and household waste.
Week 3: Recycling technology: pre-processing, metallurgy and its challenges. Recycling economics and the problem of <1% (most) CRMs recycling.
Week 4: Remanufacturing and refurbishment systems: return of product (reverse logistics), disassembly and repair of the product, market demand and economics.
Week 5: Product design using better recycling or remanufacturing and refurbishment. Substitution of materials.
Week 6: New business models to generate profits from products that last longer. Circular procurement for government and companies.
Secondary school (high school) chemistry; basic business concepts
Jan-Henk Welink
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and Delft Project Management
Delft University of Technology
Colin Fitzpatrick
Senior Lecturer in Electronic & Computer Engineering
University of Limerick, Ireland
Kamila Mascart
Ghent University
Michael Johnson
Postdoctoral researcher
University of Limerick
Maud Rio
Associate Professor (PhD 2012), permanent research fellow Grenoble Alpes University G-SCOP Laboratory
Grenoble Alpes University G-SCOP Laboratory
Florence Betmont
Engineer in Environmental Science and Chemical Engineering
University of Grenoble Alpes
David Peck
Delft University of Technology
Sophie Sfez
Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Green Chemistry and Technology
Ghent University
L’université de technologie de Delft (en néerlandais : Technische Universiteit Delft), plus connue sous le nom de TU Delft est la plus ancienne et importante université publique des Pays-Bas.
Elle est implantée à Delft, aux Pays-Bas. Elle est positionnée dans le classement mondial des universités QS en 2022 parmi les 10 premières universités en ingénierie et technologie dans le monde. En architecture et génie civil, elle était classée 2e dans le monde, après le MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

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Les deux universités américaines qui financent la plateforme ont investi 60 millions USD dans son développement. La plateforme France Université Numérique utilise la technologie openedX, supportée par Google.