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  • 31 sequências
  • Introductive Level
  • Começa em 22 novembro 2020
  • Termina em 23 fevereiro 2021

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

Week 1: Introduction and TB Epidemiology // Première semaine : Introduction et Epidémiologie de la tuberculose

  • Presentation of patients/Présentation des patients
  • History of Tuberculosis/Histoire de la tuberculose
  • Tuberculosis epidemiology/Epidémiologie de la tuberculose
  • Interferon Gamma Release Assays for the diagnosis of Tuberculosis/Les tests Interferon Gamma Release Assays pour identifier une infection tuberculeuse
  • Pediatric tuberculosis/Tuberculose chez l’enfant
  • Tuberculosis, HIV, Diabetes/Tuberculose, VIH et Diabète

Week 2: TB Immunology // Deuxième semaine : Immunologie de la tuberculose

  • Immunology of Tuberculosis/Immunologie de la tuberculose
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis interactions with host cells/Interactions entre Mycobacterium tuberculosis et les cellules de l’hôte
  • Interaction between Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the Host Immune System/Interactions entre Mycobacterium tuberculosis et le système immunitaire de l’hôte
  • Host-Pathogen interactions/Interactions hôte-pathogènes
  • BCG vaccination and other vaccines against tuberculosis/Vaccination par le BCG et autres vaccins contre la tuberculose

Week 3: Tuberculosis genomes: evolution, molecular epidemiology, drug resistance // Troisième semaine: Génomique de la tuberculose: Evolution, épidémiologie moléculaire, résistance au traitement

  • The evolution of tuberculosis-causing mycobacteria/Evolution des mycobactéries entraînant la tuberculose
  • Whole genome sequencing of M. tuberculosis as a epidemiological marker/ Séquençage du génome entier de M. tuberculosis comme marqueur épidémiologique
  • Core genome Multilocus Sequencing Typing (cgMLST) and Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)/ Sequençage du génome entier (WGS) et typage par séquençage multilocus (MLST)
  • History of Drug resistance/Histoire de la résistance de la tuberculose aux traitements
  • The mutations that define XDR-TB/Les mutations qui définissent la résistance extensive aux traitements

Week 4: Drug Resistance // Quatrième semaine: Résistance au traitement

  • GeneXpert® and Xpert® MTB/RIF case studies/Etudes de cas résistants par le test MTB/RIF
  • Cultures, Hain, Isoniazid and Rifampicin resistance/Résistance à l’isoniazide et à la rifampicine
  • Pitfalls in the molecular diagnosis of Tuberculosis/ Pièges du diagnostic moléculaire de la tuberculose.
  • Clinical usefulness of whole genome sequencing: potential for improved management of MDR and XDR TB/Utilité du séquençage total du génome: intérêt pour la prise en charge des cas de multirésistance et de résistance extensive
  • Drug resistance prediction by genome sequencing/Prédiction de la résistance au traitement par séquençage

Week 5: Treatment // Cinquième semaine: Traitement

  • Treatment of tuberculosis including MDR and XDR cases / Traitement de la tuberculose, incluant les cas de multirésistance et de résistance extensives
  • New drugs, new regimens/ Nouveaux traitements, nouvelles posologies
  • The short-course treatment for multidrug resistant tuberculosis/ les protocoles courts de traitement de la tuberculose multirésistante
  • New and rediscovered TB drugs/ Médicaments antituberculeux nouveaux et redécouverts
  • NTM detection and speciation; when to treat?/Détection et spéciation des mycobactéries non tuberculeuses

Week 6: Future Approaches and Challenges // Sixième semaine: Nouvelles approches, nouveaux challenges

  • New vaccines/ Nouveaux vaccins
  • Computer-Aided-Diagnosis for TB (CAB4TB) / Diagnostic de la Tuberculose assistée par ordinateur (CAB4TB)
  • Tuberculosis Drug Discovery/ Recherche de nouveaux médicaments anti tuberculeux
  • Microfluidics to study Phenotypic Heterogeneity in Mycobacteria / Intérêt de la microfluidique pour l’étude de l’hétérogénéité phénotypique des mycobactéries


This MOOC is aimed at people interested in Tuberculosis: microbiologists, researchers in infectious diseases, biologists, physicians, epidemiologists, public health workers and patient education, as well as students in any of these areas.

A bachelor of science, a degree in a health related field or a good scientific background is recommended to be able to participate in this MOOC.

Ce MOOC s'adresse à tous ceux qui souhaitent mieux comprendre les données actuelles et les challenges futurs de la tuberculose : microbiologistes, chercheur en infectiologie, médecins internes et infectiologues, épidémiologistes, médecins de santé publique et responsables institutionnels.

Il est conseillé de disposer d’une licence de sciences, d’un diplôme dans le domaine de la sante ou plus généralement de connaissances en sciences pour suivre ce MOOC.

The MOOC Tuberculosis has been produced by the Institut Pasteur, in collaboration with Shenzen Nanshan Center for Chronic Disease Control (Nanshan CCDC).

Le MOOC Tuberculosis a été produit par l’Institut Pasteur, en collaboration avec Nanshan Center for Chronic Disease Control (Nanshan CCDC)


Howard Takiff
Howard Takiff was trained as a MD, specializing in infectious disease. After working on adenovirus and herpesvirus, he studied bacterial genetics in E. coli and then shifted to apply genetics to study tuberculosis. He set up his own lab in Caracas, Venezuela in 1991, focusing on TB resistance, virulence determinants and molecular epidemiology. He has worked as a tuberculosis clinician in Africa, New York City and Venezuela. He began working at the Institut Pasteur in 2015 and now works at the Shenzhen Nanshan Center for Chronic Disease Control on tuberculosis in Shenzhen, China.

Brigitte GICQUEL
Brigitte Gicquel (BG) is a biologist. She first studied molecular interactions between MTB and host cells and was a pioneer in the identification of molecular diagnosis probes and genes involved in virulence of MTB, the basis of a vaccine candidate under clinical trials. BG coordinated the efforts of the European Commission to find new vaccines against TB and is now the coordinator on the European NAREB project on nanotechnology and Infectious Diseases. She heads the Mycobacterial Genetics Unit at Institut Pasteur in Paris, and the Emerging Bacterial Pathogens Unit at the Institut Pasteur of Shanghai Where she works in collaboration with the CCDC

Catherine Pierre-Audigier
Catherine Pierre-Audigier was trained as an emergency room physician before choosing to work on infectious diseases. She specialized in molecular biology applied to tuberculosis. As a MD-PhD, she works both in the hospital and in the Mycobacterial Genetics Unit, at the Institut Pasteur. Within the institute, she has participated in many collaborative projects on the implementation of new TB diagnosis tools and detection of resistant TB in various Asian and African counties.


O Institut Pasteur é uma fundação francesa privada, sem fins lucrativos, com sede em Paris, dedicada ao estudo da biologia, dos microrganismos, das doenças e das vacinas.

Criado em 1888 graças a uma subscrição pública internacional, tem o nome de Louis Pasteur1, o seu fundador e primeiro diretor, que em 1885 desenvolveu a primeira vacina contra a raiva.

Durante mais de um século, o Instituto Pasteur esteve na vanguarda da luta contra as doenças infecciosas. Em 1983, este organismo internacional de investigação foi o primeiro a isolar o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH), o vírus que causa a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (SIDA). Ao longo dos anos, foi responsável por descobertas revolucionárias que permitiram à medicina controlar doenças virulentas como a difteria, o tétano, a tuberculose, a poliomielite, a gripe, a febre amarela, a peste epidémica, a hepatite B e a SIDA.


France Université Numérique est le diffuseur des cours en ligne des établissements d’enseignement supérieur français et de leurs partenaires.

Il opère plusieurs plateformes de diffusion, dont la plus connue, FUN MOOC, est la première plateforme académique francophone mondiale. Grâce à de nombreux établissements partenaires, cette plateforme propose un vaste catalogue de cours s’enrichissant de jour en jour avec des thématiques variées et d’actualité.

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