The Civil War and Reconstruction – 1865-1890: The Unfinished Revolution

72 h
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  • 18 sequências
  • Intermediate Level

Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • The dramatic change in historians’ interpretations of the period in the last two generations
  • How Reconstruction turned on issues of continued relevance today, such as:
    • Who is an American citizen and what are citizens’ rights?
    • What is the relationship between political and economic freedom?
    • Which has the primary responsibility for protecting Americans’ rights – the federal or state governments?
    • How should public authorities respond to episodes of terrorism?
    • Rewriting of the laws and Constitution to incorporate the principle of equality regardless of race
    • The accomplishments and failings of Reconstruction governments in the South
    • The reasons for violent opposition in the South and for the northern retreat from Reconstruction
    • The consolidation at the end of the nineteenth century of a new system of white supremacy




Eric Foner
DeWitt Clinton Professor of History
Columbia University

Tim Shenk
Graduate student in History
Columbia University

Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning


A Universidade de Columbia é uma universidade privada situada em Morningside Heights, na parte noroeste do bairro de Manhattan, em Nova Iorque (Estados Unidos). As suas origens remontam ao King's College, fundado em 1754 pelo rei Jorge II da Grã-Bretanha. É uma das mais antigas instituições de ensino superior dos Estados Unidos e faz parte do grupo Ivy League, que reúne oito das mais antigas, mais famosas, mais prestigiadas e mais elitistas universidades do país.

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