Statistical Reasoning for Public Health 1: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Week 1 - Introduction and Module 1
    This module, consisting of one lecture set, is intended to whet your appetite for the course, and examine the role of biostatistics in public health and medical research. Topics covered include study design types, data types, and data summarization.
  • Week 2 - Module 2A: Summarization and Measurement
    Module 2A consists of two lecture sets that cover measurement and summarization of continuous data outcomes for both single samples, and the comparison of two or more samples. Please see the posted learning objectives for these two lecture sets for more detai...
  • Week 3 - Module 2B: Summarization and Measurement
    Module 2B includes a single lecture set on summarizing binary outcomes. While at first, summarization of binary outcome may seem simpler than that of continuous outcomes, things get more complicated with group comparisons. Included in the module are examples...
  • Week 4 - Module 2C: Summarization and Measurement
    This module consists of a single lecture set on time-to-event outcomes. Time-to-event data comes primarily from prospective cohort studies with subjects who haven to had the outcome of interest at their time of enrollment. These subjects are followed for a...
  • Week 5 - Module 3A: Sampling Variability and Confidence Intervals
    Understanding sampling variability is the key to defining the uncertainty in any given sample/samples based estimate from a single study. In this module, sampling variability is explicitly defined and explored through simulations. The resulting patterns fro...
  • Week 6 - Module 3B: Sampling Variability and Confidence Intervals
    The concepts from the previous module (3A) will be extended create 95% CIs for group comparison measures (mean differences, risk differences, etc..) based on the results from a single study.
  • Week 7 - Module 4A: Making Group Comparisons: The Hypothesis Testing Approach
    Module 4A shows a complimentary approach to confidence intervals when comparing a summary measure between two populations via two samples; statistical hypothesis testing. This module will cover some of the most used statistical tests including the t-test for ...
  • Week 8 - Module 4B: Making Group Comparisons: The Hypothesis Testing Approach
    Module 4B extends the hypothesis tests for two populations comparisons to "omnibus" tests for comparing means, proportions or incidence rates between more than two populations with one test




  • John McGready, PhD, MS, Associate Scientist, Biostatistics
    Bloomberg School of Public Health


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