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Software Development Process
- Individualizado
- Acesso livre
- 12 sequências
- Introductive Level
Detalhes do curso
Programa de Estudos
Lesson 1: Introduction and Overview
- Importance of Software Engineering - Discipline of Software Engineering - The Software Crisis - Software Phases
Lesson 2: Life Cycle Models
- Introduction with Barry Bohem - Requirements Engineering - Design - Maintenance - Software Process Model Introduction - Waterfall Process - Spiral Process - Evolutionary Prototyping Process - Rational Unified Process - Agile Process - Choosing a Model - Lifecycle Documents
Lesson 3: Integrated Development Environment
- Eclipse Introduction - IDE Overview - Plug-Ins - Eclipse Demo: Create Java Project - Eclipse Demo: Create a Class - Eclipse Demo: Run Configuration - Eclipse Demo: Debugging
Lesson 4: Version Control Systems
- Interview with John Britton - Version Control System Introduction - Two Main Types of VCS - Introduction to Git - Git Workflow - Git Demo: Intro to Git - Git Demo: Git + Eclipse - Git Demo: Github - Git Recap: Local Repositories - Git Recap: Remote Repositories
Lesson 5: Requirements Engineering
- Interview with Jane Cleland-Huang - General RE Definition - Software Intensive Systems - Functional and Nonfunctional Requirements - User and System Requirements - Modeling Requirements - Analyzing Requirements - Requirements Prioritization - Requirements Engineering Process
Lesson 6: OO Software and UML
- Object Orientation Introduction - UML Structural Diagrams: Class Diagrams - Class Diagram: Creation Tips - UML Structural Diagrams: Component Diagram - UML Structural Diagram: Deployment Diagram - UML Behavioral Diagram: Use Case - Use Case Diagram: Creation Tips - UML Behavioral Diagrams: Sequence - UML Behavioral Diagrams: State Transition Diagram
Lesson 7: Software Architecture
- Interview with Nenad Medvidovic - What is Software Architecture? - Prescriptive vs. Descriptive Architecture - Architectural Evolution - Architectural Degradation - Architectural Recovery - Architectural Elements - Components, Connectors, and Configuration - Deployment Architectural Perspective
Lesson 8: A Tale of Analysis and Design
- Analyzing Requirements - Refining Classes and Attributes - Adding Attributes - Identifying Operations - Refining the Class Diagram
Lesson 9: Design Patterns
- Patterns Catalogue - Pattern Format - Factory Method Pattern - Strategy Pattern - Choosing a Pattern - Negative Design Patterns
Lesson 10: Unified Software Process
- Use-Case Driven - Inception Phase - Elaboration Phase - Construction Phase - Transition Phase - Phases and Iterations
Lesson 11: General Concepts
- Failure, Fault and Error - Verification Approaches - Pros and Cons of Approaches - Testing Introduction - Testing Granularity Levels - Alpha and Beta Testing - Black and White Box Testing Introduction
Lesson 12: Black-Box Testing
- Systematic Functional Testing Approach - Test Data Selection - Category Partition Method - Produce and Evaluate Test Case Specifications - Generate Test Cases from Test Case Specifications - Model Based Testing - Finite State Machines
Lesson 13: White-Box Testing
- Coverage Criteria Intro - Statement Coverage - Control Flow Graphs - Test Criteria Subsumption - MC/DC Coverage
Lesson 14: Agile Development Methods
- Cost of Change - Agile Software Development - Extreme Programming (XP) - XP’s Values and Principles - Test First Development - Refactoring - Pair Programming - Continuous Integration - Testing Strategy - High Level Scrum Process
Lesson 15: Software Refactoring
- Reasons to Refactor - Refactoring Demo - Refactoring Risks - Cost of Refactoring - When Not to Refactor
- Alex Orso - Alessandro (Alex) Orso is a Professor in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Alex's area of research is software engineering, with emphasis on software testing and program analysis, and he has been teaching software engineering related classes in both academia and industry for over 15 years (and in three different languages). His interests include the development of techniques and tools for improving software reliability, security, and trustworthiness, and the validation of such techniques on real-world systems.
O Georgia Institute of Technology, também conhecido por Georgia Tech ou GT, é uma universidade pública de investigação mista situada em Atlanta, Geórgia, EUA. Faz parte da rede alargada do Sistema Universitário da Geórgia. O Georgia Tech tem escritórios em Savannah (Geórgia, EUA), Metz (França), Athlone (Irlanda), Xangai (China) e Singapura.
A reputação da Georgia Tech assenta nos seus programas de engenharia e ciências informáticas, que se encontram entre os melhores do mundo5,6. A oferta de cursos é complementada por programas nas áreas das ciências, arquitetura, humanidades e gestão.
Udacity est une entreprise fondé par Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, et Mike Sokolsky offrant cours en ligne ouvert et massif.
Selon Thrun, l'origine du nom Udacity vient de la volonté de l'entreprise d'être "audacieux pour vous, l'étudiant ". Bien que Udacity se concentrait à l'origine sur une offre de cours universitaires, la plateforme se concentre désormais plus sur de formations destinés aux professionnels.