Software Development on SAP HANA

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

With the delivery of SAP HANA SPS 11, we see a large number of new features in both the underlying SAP HANA infrastructure and in particular in the custom development aspects of SAP HANA native development.

While we have two previous courses that focused on these new technologies – SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA to develop both HDI (SAP HANA Deployment Infrastructure) and XSA (SAP HANA extended application services, advanced model) – they could only cover the basics due to so much new functionality. In this course, we’ll start from the assumption that students are familiar with the basics of the previous courses. This will allow us to dive deeper on key topics from real world applications. We’ll also cover new functionality added in SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 0 – SPS 02.

Developers taking this course should be able to get up to speed quickly and begin leveraging these new features to enhance their own productivity, as well as tap into powerful new features of SAP HANA itself. Students will learn to use SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA to develop both HDI and XSA-based applications.

We’ll also focus on real world problems such as:
- Cross-container and external reporting tool access to containers
- Realistic yet easier to maintain security setup
- Multitenancy support
- The power of modern programming techniques
- Leveraging the latest in the SAP Fiori programming model
- Migrating existing applications
- Complex lifecycle management that combines both CTS+ (Enhanced Change and Transport System) and continuous integration

Course Content
Week 1: Database Development
Week 2: Application Server Development
Week 3: Misc.: UI, Migration, and Lifecycle
Week 4: Final Exam

Target Audience
Application developers
SAP HANA developers
SAP Cloud Platform developers

Course Requirements
Basic programming knowledge including HTML, JavaScript, and SQL
Baseline SAP HANA development knowledge from one of the previous openSAP HANA courses would be helpful




Thomas Jung
Thomas Jung is a chief product expert in SAP HANA Product Management, focusing on the developer persona and platform tools for SAP HANA and SAP HANA extended application services.

He is also an SAP mentor alumnus, SAP HANA distinguished engineer, a founding member of the Enterprise Geeks, and co-author of several SAP Press books.

Rich Heilman 
Rich Heilman is a director in SAP HANA Product Management, focusing on SAP HANA development tools and languages.

Rich is co-author of the SAP Press book “Next Generation ABAP Development”. He is also a regular contributor to the SAP Community Network, a founding member of the Enterprise Geeks, an SAP mentor alumnus, and an SAP HANA distinguished engineer.


OpenSAP propose des cours MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) à toutes les personnes désireuses de se former aux dernières innovations de SAP et d'apprendre à survivre dans l'économie numérique. Les cours openSAP Enterprise MOOC reprennent les concepts éprouvés des salles de classe, y compris la ludification, et les forums de discussion pour interagir avec des pairs et experts, dans un format en ligne.


OpenSAP propose des cours MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) à toutes les personnes désireuses de se former aux dernières innovations de SAP et d'apprendre à survivre dans l'économie numérique. Les cours openSAP Enterprise MOOC reprennent les concepts éprouvés des salles de classe, y compris la ludification, et les forums de discussion pour interagir avec des pairs et experts, dans un format en ligne.

Este conteúdo é classificado como 4.5 de 5
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Este conteúdo é classificado como 4.5 de 5
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