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Software Debugging
Este conteúdo é classificado como 4.5 de 5

- Individualizado
- Acesso livre
- 8 sequências
- Introductive Level
Detalhes do curso
Programa de Estudos
Lesson 1: How Debuggers work
Theory: Scientific method and its application to debugging. Fun fact: First bug in the history of computer science. Practice: Building a simple tracer.Lesson 2: Asserting Expectations
Theory: Assertions in testing and in debugging. Fun fact: The most expensive bug in history. Practice: Improving the tracer.Lesson 3: Simplifying Failures
Theory: Strategy of simplifying failures. Binary search. Delta debugging principle. Fun fact: Mozilla bugathon. Practice: Building a delta debugger.Lesson 4: Tracking Origins
Theory: Cause-effect chain. Deduction. Dependencies. Slices. Fun fact: Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. Practice: Improving the delta debugger.Lesson 5: Reproducing Failures
Theory: Types of bugs (Bohr bug, Heisenbug, Mandelbug, Schrodinbug). Systematic reproduction process. Fun fact: Mad laptop bug. Practice: Building a statistic debugging tool.Lesson 6: Learning from Mistakes
Theory: Bug database management. Classifying bugs. Bug maps. Learning from mistakes. Fun fact: Programmer with the most buggy code. Practice: Improving your tools and practicing on a real world bug database.Pré-requisito
- Andreas Zeller - Andreas Zeller is a computer science professor at Saarland University, Germany. His research centers on programmer productivity: What can be done to ease the life and work of programmers? Among Linux and Unix programmers, he is best known for GNU DDD, a debugger front-end with built-in data visualization. Among academics and advanced professionals, Zeller is best known for Delta Debugging, a technique that automatically isolates failure causes for computer programs.
Udacity est une entreprise fondé par Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, et Mike Sokolsky offrant cours en ligne ouvert et massif.
Selon Thrun, l'origine du nom Udacity vient de la volonté de l'entreprise d'être "audacieux pour vous, l'étudiant ". Bien que Udacity se concentrait à l'origine sur une offre de cours universitaires, la plateforme se concentre désormais plus sur de formations destinés aux professionnels.

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