Smarter Chatbots with Node-RED and Watson AI

Smarter Chatbots with Node-RED and Watson AI

6 h
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  • 3 sequências
  • Intermediate Level

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

Get started

  • Learning objectives
  • Prerequisites
  • Grading scheme
A business opportunity

  • Make money with chatbots
Lab 1: Create your first Node-RED flow

  • Lab 1 overview
  • 1. Create a Node-RED instance
  • 2. Connect Watson services
  • 3. Create your first flows
  • Lab 1 solution
  • Review questions

Lab 2: Build a web page and create a REST API in Node-RED

  • Lab 2 introduction
  • 1. Create a simple web page
  • 2. Add JavaScript to your web application
  • 3. Create a REST API
  • 4. Consume the Watson Translator service
  • Lab 2 solution
  • Review questions

Lab 3: Translate text, analyze tone, add audio, and send tweets from your Node-RED application

  • Lab 3 introduction
  • 1. Find community nodes
  • 2. Add the community nodes to the Node-RED palette
  • 3. Add the Speech to Text, Tone Analyzer, and Text to Speech services
  • 4. Re-create the Interpreter application
  • 5. Prepare for the OK Watson application
  • 6. Add link nodes to more easily view the logic of the application flow
  • 7. Import the OK Watson flow
  • 8. Connect to your Twitter account
  • 9. Add the community nodes to the package.json file (alternative method)
  • Lab 3 summary
  • Lab 3 solution
  • Review question

Lab 4: Create cognitive web pages and a Messenger bot

  • Lab 4 overview
  • 1. Obtain Facebook Messenger credentials
  • 2. Create Node-RED webhooks
  • 3. Create the Node-RED Messenger listener
  • 4. Create a Node-RED Messenger writer
  • 5. Build a video captioning application
  • Lab 4 solution
  • Review question

Lab 5: Build HTML web pages that use Git repositories that can reuse browser-side JavaScript

  • Lab 5 introduction
  • 1. Connect the Watson Conversation service to the Messenger bot
  • 2. Build a Node-RED application that can reuse CSS and browser-side JavaScript
  • Lab 5 Solution
  • Review question

Final Exam



  • You will work with basic HTML and JavaScript, but the course labs will provide that code.
  • If you are not familiar with Watson Assistant, you should take the course first.


Soheel Chughtai
Early Program Manager, IBM Watson Developer Cloud

Emma Dawson
Early Program Manager, IBM Systems


A International Business Machines Corporation, conhecida pelo seu acrónimo IBM, é uma empresa multinacional americana de hardware, software e serviços informáticos.

A empresa foi criada em 16 de junho de 1911 a partir da fusão da Computing Scale Company e da Tabulating Machine Company sob o nome de Computing Tabulating Recording Company (CTR). Mudou o seu nome para International Business Machines Corporation em 14 de fevereiro de 1924. Foi-lhe dada a alcunha de Big Blue em referência à cor azul escura há muito associada à empresa. Nas décadas de 1970 e 1980, a IBM era a empresa com a maior capitalização bolsista do mundo.


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Este conteúdo é classificado como 4.5 de 5
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