The Science of Gastronomy

Legendas disponíveis
18 h
Este conteúdo é classificado como 4.5 de 5
  • De
  • Individualizado
  • Acesso livre
  • Certificado pago
Mais informações
  • 6 sequências
  • Introductive Level
  • Legendas em Chinese

Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Week 1 - Orientation, Module 1 and Module 2
    This week, we will focus on “Energy Transfer” and “Hunger and Satiety”. Before you start with the content for these modules, please watch the Course Overview, review the Grading Scheme, and read the Important Note on special dietary needs.
  • Week 2 - Module 3 and Module 4
    This week, we will talk about how flavor and aroma of food affects our perception of taste of food.
  • Week 3 - Module 5 and Module 6
    This week, we will talk about how color and texture of food affects our perception of taste of food.
  • Week 4 - Module 7 and Module 8
    This week, we will look at how fruits and vegetables can enhance the quality in cooking and to learn about the properties of meat.
  • Week 5 - Module 8 (continued) and Module 9
    This week, we will continue our focus on the preparation and cooking of meat and learn about the elements that affect the preparation of sauces.
  • Week 6 - Module 9 (continued) and Module 10
    This week, we will continue our focus on the preparation of sauces and finish up the course with the last topic on dessert. After completing all the content, it's time to test your understanding on the entire course. Take the final exam and complete the post-c...




King L. Chow
Division of Life Science

Lam Lung Yeung
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry


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