- De www.futurelearn.com
Reading Literature in the Digital Age
24 h
Este conteúdo é classificado como 4.5 de 5

- Acesso livre
- Certificado gratuito
- 6 sequências
- Introductive Level
- Começa em 27 março 2016
- Termina em 2 abril 2016
Detalhes do curso
Programa de Estudos
As we make sense of what we read, we construe meaning using the ancient cultural technique of interpretation. Only rarely do we actually reflect this process: what are the means that help us to understand literary texts? How does interpretation work? And how has our increasing use of e-books and tablets changed the way we read and interpret literature? This free online course addresses these key questions as it introduces you to a variety of ways of interpreting literary texts. We will look into time-tested methods such as close reading and historical contextualisation. We shall also address more recent, computer-assisted practices such as distant reading. Do we read differently on e-books, tablets and mobiles? You will learn about the professional reading practices used by literary scholars. But we will also probe the benefits and limitations of the screen-based reading all of us perform every day as we move from hyperlink to hyperlink. Along the way, we will inquire into the materiality of texts, asking ourselves what difference it makes whether we encounter a poem, play or novel as an e-book, paperback, hardback or manuscript. While we will take a modern American poem as our tutor text, you will encounter a great variety of literary texts and forms. We will also visit the rich library holdings of the University of Basel, one of the world’s 50 oldest universities. Join us in this treasure hunt for meaning Through the course, you will become acquainted with established, professional reading practices as well as newer, computer-driven reading techniques. As you reflect and discuss your own reading processes, you will also discover unexpected approaches, getting a cutting-edge introduction to what it means to read literature in the digital age. You will learn how to uncover the hidden treasures in literary texts, including a well-known poem by Ezra Pound, and follow the educator as he chases the clues pointing to a mysterious connection between this American poet and Basel.
- Philipp Schweighauser
FutureLearn est une plate-forme d'apprentissage proposant des formations en ligne ouvertes à tous (MOOC)
Fondée en Décembre 2012, la société est entièrement détenue par l'Open University à Milton Keynes, en Angleterre.
Elle est la 1ère plateforme offrant des MOOC au Royaume-Uni, avec à son actif plus d'une cinquantaine d'universités partenaires provenant du Royaume Uni mais aussi du reste du monde.
FutureLearn se différencie également par des partenariats avec des entités non-universitaires comme le British Museum, le British Council, la British Library et la national Film and Television School.

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