Prototyping with Fab

Prototyping with Fab

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  • 2 sequências
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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

Part 1: Basics
In this part a bit of theory and a lot of practice! We have imagined for you 3 objects that each respond to a theme proposed by the United Nations as well as modules to accompany you step by step in the realization of your first prototype! All we need to discover the basics of prototyping techniques and methodology in a concerted exercise.

Part 2: Explorations
Now that we know the theory and have made a quick and dirty prototype of one of our objects, it's time to put our knowledge into practice with a project entirely out of our imagination responding to a UN theme! We will also be able to go much further, as we will choose a module among the 3 proposed and deepen the use of a particular technology! This will enhance our knowledge and fill us with wonder as we watch our idea "take shape".

Part 3: Group Project
Now that we have all learned and practiced the techniques and methods of prototyping, it's time to pool our talents for a group work followed by a professional tutor for whom prototyping has no more secrets! This part is the pinnacle of our creativity since with the help of our group everything becomes possible and we will be able to take our prototype even further than we could have imagined. As a group, we will once again choose a UN theme and prototype further than we have ever done before.




Fondée en 1872, EMLYON Business School est l'une des plus anciennes écoles de commerce en Europe. L'histoire d'EMLYON a toujours été profondément marquée par l'entrepreneuriat, l'innovation et la volonté de réussir.

Ces trois facteurs expliquent pourquoi l'Ecole est devenue aujourd'hui un phare de l'éducation entrepreneuriale en France, en Europe et dans le monde.


Fondée en 1872, EMLYON Business School est l'une des plus anciennes écoles de commerce en Europe. L'histoire d'EMLYON a toujours été profondément marquée par l'entrepreneuriat, l'innovation et la volonté de réussir.

Ces trois facteurs expliquent pourquoi l'Ecole est devenue aujourd'hui un phare de l'éducation entrepreneuriale en France, en Europe et dans le monde.

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Este conteúdo é classificado como 4.5 de 5
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