Proteins: Biology's Workforce

20 h
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  • 5 sequências
  • Intermediate Level

Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

Lecture 1: Protein Structure
Introduction tocentral concepts important for understanding biological molecules, components of proteins, and discovering how these components determine a protein's active, dynamic form.

Lecture 2: Protein Function
Examination of structure and function of the various classes of proteins, how shape determines function, how binding small molecules is important for function, and the nature of transport proteins that move materials

Lecture 3: Protein Function and Purification
Exploration of the dynamic nature and exquisite specificity of enzymes and the methods that can be used to purify a specific protein.

Lecture 4: Protein Characterization
Understanding methods that determine protein concentration, assess molecular weight, determine structure, and identify contribution to cell function.


Secondary (high school) chemistry and biology


Elizabeth Eich
Professor of the Practice Department of Biosciences
Rice University

Daniel J. Catanese
Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Biosciences
Rice University


A Rice University é uma universidade privada americana de investigação situada em Houston, Texas. Situa-se no Museum District da cidade e é adjacente ao Texas Medical Center. Foi fundada por William Marsh Rice (en) em 1891 como The William Marsh Rice Institute for the Advancement of Letters, Science, and Art, e foi inaugurada em 1912 com Edgar Odell Lovett como seu primeiro presidente.


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