Promote your Scientific Results

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

WEEK 1: Structure your Ideas with Cécile Michaut

Welcome to the first week of this course entitled "Structure your Ideas." Cécile Michaut will be your communication coach for this week. Here is what you will be doing with Cécile: Identifying your No. 1 objective for promoting your research and your main message; adapting your message to a variety of audiences and contexts; knowing when and how to limit jargon; putting everything together in a short and concise pitch of your work.

WEEK 2: Enhance your Scientific Presentations with Bethany Cagnol

Welcome to Week 2 of the course entitled "Enhance your Scientific Presentations. Bethany Cagnol will be your coach for this week. One of the key features of this module is it can be adapted to presentations you give in front of your peers, but also the general public. In this module, you'll cover some presentation basics just to get you off on the right foot. Then, we'll cover some key language points that you should keep in mind. Next, Bethany will give you her top tips for online presentations as well as panel discussions. And finally, we'll end the module with a Case Study in which you'll study a 45mn video from the NASA's "Maniac" series given by the international climate expert and University of Georgia professor, Dr. J. Marshall Shepard, who gave us permission to use this video as an example of good scientific presentation skills. Finally, be sure to check out the Resources section of this course for some valuable takeaways to use for your next scientific presentations. In the forum, let us know if those help you, or if you'd like us to add other resources.

WEEK 3: Answering challenging questions with Sinead Namur

In this module, we will be addressing Question and Answer sessions (a.k.a. Q & A sessions). You will have plenty of opportunities to self-reflect and study good and not-so-good examples in this highly unique, interactive module designed by your coach for this week, Sinead Namur. She will guide you through two hypothetical Q in A scenarii in which a professor, Dr. Johnson, is confronted with very tough questions from audience members. In these two scenarii, you will have the opportunity to reflect on what works and what doesn't. And at the end of the module, you will be given some key no-fail advice and phrases that you can use, if and when you are faced with a tough Q&A session. TOP TIP: This could be quite an intensive week for you as almost every video has integrated self-reflective prompts. You can use the Note section to store your thoughts, but we suggest you keep a backup of all your notes on a separate document on your computer or notebook just in case. That way they are easy to find right when you need them.

WEEK 4: Networking with various experts with Bethany Cagnol

In this module, your coach, Bethany, covers the importance of networking in the sciences with both our peers and outside our professional contexts. A collection of experts agreed to offer their input and share their experiences with you. First, Mary Ann Horn, a Mathematics professor at Case Western Reserve University and a Former NSF Program Director in Applied Mathematics, will offer advice on the importance of cross-disciplinary networking as well as how networking ties into applying for grants. Next, we'll hear from Armelle Rancillac, a research fellow in neurobiology at the prestigious Collège de France and INSERM. She will speak about networking at public outreach events and on social media. Then, we'll hear from Mahasti Saghatchian, a medical oncologist and Vice President of the medical board at the American Hospital of Paris. She will stress the importance and benefits of networking on social media for the medical industry and patients. And finally, the president of Télécom Paris, Nicolas Glady, will offer his advice on networking in Academic and Corporate Contexts and what researchers should keep in mind when reaching out to business angels.

WEEK 5: Interacting with the Press with various experts

In this course's final module, Cecile Michaut is back as your coach and she's gathered an all-star team of experts to help you communicate with the media. First, you'll hear from Frédéric Restagno, a CNRS professor of physics, about his first-hand experience of what it's like to work on television. Then, Cécile will offer key tips to get you started on your journey with the written press and web publications. Next, journalist Catherine de Coppet will offer learners no-fail advice for interviewing on the radio and how you can set the foundation for getting invited back again and again. Then, Audrey Mikaëlian will cover the realities of television appearances whether they be for pre-recorded or live interviews. Cécile will then sum up the module with essential advice on building a sustainable relationship with the media. And be sure to check out Bethany's "Last Word" of the course on what you can do with your newly developed skills.


While this MOOC is pitched towards all levels of participants, it's recommended to have at least one year of research experience.  


Bethany Cagnol
Professor and Scientific Communication Coach

Cécile Michaut
Scientific journalist and communications trainer for "Science et Partage"

Sinead Namur
English professor and debate specialist


O Institut Mines-Télécom é um importante ator público do ensino superior, da investigação e da inovação nos domínios da engenharia e da gestão.

É composto por 10 grandes escolas Mines e Télécom sob a tutela do Ministro da Valorização Produtiva (Mines Albi, Mines Alès, Mines Douai, Mines Nantes, Mines ParisTech, Mines Saint-Etienne, Télécom Bretagne, Télécom École de Management, Télécom ParisTech, Télécom SudParis) e duas escolas subsidiárias (Télécom Lille e Eurecom). Mantém uma relação privilegiada com dois parceiros estratégicos, a Mines Nancy, que faz parte da Universidade da Lorena, e a Armines.

O Institut Mines-Télécom está na vanguarda da inovação pedagógica. É o principal grupo de escolas de engenharia em França, formando 8% dos engenheiros todos os anos.

Os seus cursos abertos em linha fazem parte de um movimento para criar e liderar comunidades de aprendizagem inicial e ao longo da vida. O Institut Mines-Télécom contribuirá para este movimento e envolverá todas as suas partes interessadas: professores-investigadores, estudantes e futuros estudantes, diplomados, empresas e, de um modo geral, todos os aprendentes interessados nas áreas de especialização do Instituto.


A Coursera é uma empresa digital que oferece um curso on-line massivo e aberto, fundado pelos professores de computação Andrew Ng e Daphne Koller Stanford University, localizado em Mountain View, Califórnia.

O Coursera trabalha com as melhores universidades e organizações para disponibilizar alguns dos seus cursos on-line e oferece cursos em várias disciplinas, incluindo: física, engenharia, humanidades, medicina, biologia, ciências sociais, matemática, negócios, ciência da computação, marketing digital, ciência de dados. e outros assuntos.Cours

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