Pre-University Calculus

48 h
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  • 8 sequências
  • Introductive Level

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Understand, visualize and manipulate different elementary functions, like power functions, roots, polynomials, trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions;
  • Understand, visualize and solve equations and inequalities involving these elementary functions;
  • Understand the concept of differentiation and calculate the derivatives of compositions of elementary functions;
  • Understand the concept of integration and to use some elementary integration techniques;
  • Understand, visualize and manipulate geometric objects in the plane, such as vectors, lines, circles and more general curves.


This course revises high school level mathematics and is aimed to close the readiness gap between high school and university.


Bart van den Dries
Lecturer, Mathematics
Delft University of Technology

Roelof Koekoek
Lecturer, Mathematics
Delft University of Technology

Wolter Groenevelt
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Delft University of Technology

Fokko van de Bult
Lecturer, Mathematics
Delft University of Technology

Iris Smit
Lecturer, Mathematics
Delft University of Technology


A Universidade de Tecnologia de Delft, mais conhecida por TU Delft, é a maior e mais antiga universidade pública dos Países Baixos. 

Tem a sua sede em Delft, nos Países Baixos. No QS World University Rankings 2022, está classificada entre as 10 melhores universidades de engenharia e tecnologia do mundo. Em arquitetura e engenharia civil, ficou classificada em 2º lugar no mundo, a seguir ao MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).


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