The Practitioner’s Guide to Global Health

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Identify and describe different types of global health rotations and projects and determine which ones provide the best fit for you.
  • Identify and make plans to address logistical issues including personal, health, family, financial and security concerns.
  • Learn practical strategies for an enriched educational experience to benefit you and your host community.
  • Identify and navigate professional, ethical, and cultural issues, as well as medical or mental health issues you may encounter.
  • Identify strategies for effectively “reintegrating” into your home and work life upon returning from a global health experience.
  • Successfully advocate for other individuals at your institution to identify clinical opportunities, educational opportunities and funding structures for future global health experiences.




Gabrielle A. Jacquet
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Boston University School of Medicine

Suzanne Sarfaty

Mark Hauswald

Janis P. Tupesis

Payal K. Modi

Rachel A. Umoren

Stephen Dunlop

Megan Rybarczyk

Katie M. Wells
University of Vermont


A Universidade de Boston (BU) é uma universidade americana localizada em Boston. Com aproximadamente 4.000 professores e mais de 33.000 estudantes, a Universidade de Boston é a quarta maior universidade privada dos Estados Unidos, bem como o quarto maior empregador da cidade de Boston.

A universidade é uma das mais famosas e prestigiadas do país, atraindo estudantes de todo o mundo. O corpo docente e os antigos alunos da BU incluem 8 laureados com o Prémio Nobel, incluindo Martin Luther King.


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