Organic Solar Cells - Theory and Practice

Organic Solar Cells - Theory and Practice

60 h
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  • 6 sequências
  • Introductive Level

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Week 1 - Solar Cells and Life Cycle Analysis
    By the end of the module we have set the following goals for you: -You should have gained knowledge on solar cells, and their place as a renewable energy -Be able to distinguish between different solar cell technologies -Describe the difference between the thr...
  • Week 2 - Organic and Polymer Solar Cells
    By the end of this module you should: -Be able to identify the different steps in the theory behind the solar cells -Be able to measure the efficiency of a solar cell -Be able to describe the different layers in the solar cell and understand their function -Be...
  • Week 3 - Materials in Solar Cells
    By the end of this module you should: -Know why we need conjugated polymers and side chains -Know about low band gap polymers -Be able to identify the most common polymerization methods -Be familiar with common characterization techniques used with the materia...
  • Week 4 - Stability and Degradation
    By the end of this module you should: -Be able to identify different kinds of degradation behaviours -Know about decay curves, including concepts such as burn-in and T80 -Distinguish between different ISOS standards.
  • Week 5 - Solar Cell Fabrication
    By the end of this module you will be able to: -Describe the lab scale techniques and the pros and cons -Describe the difference between coating and printing -Identify the different coating and printing techniques.
  • Week 6 - Wrapping Up
    This is the final module of the course and it is almost time to sit back and congratulate yourself! You just have two more videos and an exam to complete.




Eva Bundgaard
PhD, Senior Scientist
DTU Energy

Frederik C. Krebs
PhD, Professor
DTU Energy

Mikkel Jørgensen
PhD, Senior Scientist
DTU Energy

Morten Vesterager Madsen
DTU Energy


DTU focuses on research in technical and natural sciences that contributes to the development of society. As an industrially orientated university, our goal is to supply high-level international research based on combining theory with constructing models and empirical methods.


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