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An Introduction to Consumer Neuroscience & Neuromarketing

- Individualizado
- Acesso livre
- Certificado pago
- 6 sequências
- Introductive Level
Detalhes do curso
Programa de Estudos
- Week 1 - What is Neuromarketing all About?
We first need to define the field – what are the key concepts, what are the key methods and reasons for employing neuroscience to study consumers and communication effects? In this module, we will introduce the topic and how some specific studies provide key i... - Week 2 - Attention & Consciousness
In the second module of this course we are turning to the functions of the brain, and we will first focus on attention and consciousness. This module will focus on some key concepts in attention and consciousness. - Week 3 - Sensory Neuromarketing
In this module we will have contents filled on the topic of sensory neuromarketing. How are our senses affected differently as consumers? What can you do to organise your communications to better use all the senses? How does the brain actually use the senses? ... - Week 4 - Emotions & Feelings, Wanting & Liking
In this module, everything is about emotions and feelings, and the relationship between emotions and preference. As we will see, our minds have a dual side: a conscious and an unconscious response and motivation, which are crucial to understanding consumer pr... - Week 5 - Learning & Memory
This module will focus on Learning & Memory. We will determine not only that there are multiple kinds of memory, but that they also serve multiple purposes. If anything, learning is the vehicle we need to understand the most in consumer behaviour. What causes ... - Week 6 - Neuroethics and Consumer Aberrations
This module, we will focus on both the ethics of neuromarketing, as well as aberrant consumer behaviours. We see that consumer choice can sometimes become the centre focus on a person's life, be it pathological gambling, "shopaholism" or digital dependencies. ...
Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy
PhD in Neurobiology, Certified Neuropsychologist & Assistant Professor in Marketing & Neuroscience
Head of the Center for Decision Neuroscience, Department of Marketing at Copenhagen Business School, and Head of Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance at Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre

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