Neglected Tropical Diseases

Neglected Tropical Diseases

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  • 5 sequências
  • Intermediate Level
  • Começa em 29 janeiro 2024
  • Termina em 25 março 2024

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

Chapter 1 : Concept and public health of Neglected Tropical Diseases
C1.1 The Neglected Tropical Diseases concept - Jean Jannin (SFMTSI)
C1.2 Intervention strategies Ibrahim - Socé Fall
C1.3 Impacts and consequences of Neglected Tropical Diseases - Jean Jannin (SFMTSI)
Chapter 2: Current situation of NTDs
C2.1 Diversity of NTD - Albis Gabrielli (WHO)
C2.2 Human African Trypanosomiasis - Brice Rotureau (Institut Pasteur) / Dramane Kaba (IPR, côte d’Ivoire)
C2.3 Visceral Leishmaniasis - Cléa Melenotte (APHP)
C2.4 Chagas disease - Pedro Albajar Vinas (WHO)
C2.5 Lymphatic filariasis - Michel Boussinesq (IRD)
C2.6 Schistosomiasis - Janelisa Musaya (University of Malawi)
C2.7 Onchocerciasis - Joseph Kamgno (Centre for Research on Filariasis and other Tropical Diseases, Cameroon)
C2.8 Buruli ulcer - Chagas Disease
Chapter 3: Access
C3.1 Access as a key challenge for NTDs - Nathalie Strub-Wourgaft
C3.2 Access to treatment for NTDs -example of HAT - Gerardo Priotto (WHO)
C3.3 Access to diagnosis, format and distribution - Veerle Lejon (IRD)
Chapter 4: Control of NTD
C4.1 Control of NTD: Control, elimination, eradication - Cléa Melenotte (APHP)
C4.2 Importance of Geographic Information System - Giuliano Cecchi
C4.3 Neglected and Tropical Diseases and sustainibility - Jean Jannin (SFMTSI)
C4.4 NTDs, zoonoses and One Health - Eric Fèvre (Liverpool)
Chapter 5: Research towards NTD elimination
C5.1 Current research on Neglected Tropical Diseases and needs - Cléa Melenotte (APHP) and Brice Rotureau (Institut Pasteur)
C5.2 Quantitative biology approaches toward NTD elimination - Gerald Späth (Institut Pasteur)
C5.3 Reservoir and vector hosts - Philippe Solano (IRD)
C5.4 Insights into diagnostic methods for dengue - Cheikh Tidiane Diagne
C5.5 Research and development in NTD - Antoine Tarral (DNDi)
C5.6 Modeling - Kat Rock (Univ Warwick)


This MOOC is intended for biology students, from the undergraduate to the graduate level, doctors, teachers, researchers, and more generally for all those interested in medical mycology. A good scientific level is recommended to follow this MOOC (Bachelor of Science).


Brice Rotureau
MOOC Director -Head of the parasitology unit at the Institut Pasteur in Guinea.

Cléa Melenotte
MOOC Director - Infectious Diseases Physician AP-HP, Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris.

Jean Jannin
MOOC Director - Honorary President, Société francophone de médecine tropicale et santé internationale.

Jean-Marc Tsagmo Ngoune
Community Manager - Postdoctoral researcher at Institut Pasteur.


O Institut Pasteur é uma fundação francesa privada, sem fins lucrativos, com sede em Paris, dedicada ao estudo da biologia, dos microrganismos, das doenças e das vacinas.

Criado em 1888 graças a uma subscrição pública internacional, tem o nome de Louis Pasteur1, o seu fundador e primeiro diretor, que em 1885 desenvolveu a primeira vacina contra a raiva.

Durante mais de um século, o Instituto Pasteur esteve na vanguarda da luta contra as doenças infecciosas. Em 1983, este organismo internacional de investigação foi o primeiro a isolar o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH), o vírus que causa a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (SIDA). Ao longo dos anos, foi responsável por descobertas revolucionárias que permitiram à medicina controlar doenças virulentas como a difteria, o tétano, a tuberculose, a poliomielite, a gripe, a febre amarela, a peste epidémica, a hepatite B e a SIDA.


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