Finding Mutations in DNA and Proteins (Bioinformatics VI)

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Week 1 - Week 1: Introduction to Read Mapping

    Welcome to our class! We are glad that you decided to join us.

    In this class, we will consider the following two central biological questions (the computational approaches needed to solve them are shown in parentheses):

    1. How Do We ...
    2. Week 2 - Week 2: The Burrows-Wheeler Transform

      Welcome to week 2 of the class!

      This week, we will introduce a paradigm called the Burrows-Wheeler transform; after seeing how it can be used in string compression, we will demonstrate that it is also the foundation of modern read-mapping algorithms...

    3. Week 3 - Week 3: Speeding Up Burrows-Wheeler Read Mapping

      Welcome to week 3 of class!

      Last week, we saw how the Burrows-Wheeler transform could be applied to multiple pattern matching. This week, we will speed up our algorithm and generalize it to the case that patterns have errors, which models the biolo...

    4. Week 4 - Week 4: Introduction to Hidden Markov Models

      Welcome to week 4 of class!

      This week, we will start examining the case of aligning sequences with many mutations -- such as related genes from different HIV strains -- and see that our problem formulation for sequence alignment is not adequate for ...

    5. Week 5 - Week 5: Profile HMMs for Sequence Alignment

      Welcome to week 5 of class!

      Last week, we introduced hidden Markov models. This week, we will see how hidden Markov models can be applied to sequence alignment with a profile HMM. We will then consider some advanced topics in this area, which are ...

    6. Week 6 - Week 6: Bioinformatics Application Challenge

      Welcome to the sixth and final week of class!

      This week brings our Application Challenge, in which we apply the HMM sequence alignment algorithms that we have developed.




Pavel Pevzner
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Phillip Compeau
Visiting Researcher
Department of Computer Science & Engineering


A Universidade da Califórnia em San Diego é uma universidade pública de investigação em San Diego, Califórnia. Fundada em 1960 perto do já existente Scripps Institution of Oceanography, a UC San Diego é o mais meridional dos dez campus da Universidade da Califórnia e oferece mais de 200 programas de graduação e pós-graduação, matriculando 33.096 alunos de graduação e 9.872 alunos de pós-graduação. 

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