- De www.fun-mooc.fr
Microbes and Brain
- Acesso livre
- Certificado gratuito
- 25 sequências
- Introductive Level
- Começa em 22 outubro 2017
- Termina em 26 novembro 2017
Detalhes do curso
Programa de Estudos
- Bacterial meningitis/ Méningites bactériennes
- Neuroinfection by rabies/ Infection neurologique par la rage
- Neuroinfection by zika/ Infection neurologique par Zika
- Inflammatory Response Syndrome/ Syndrome de réponse inflammatoire
- Neuroprotection/ Neuroprotection
- Microbiota, Immunity and CNS/ Microbiote, immunité et système nerveux central
- Role of microbiota in Drosophila brain development/ Rôle du microbiote dans le développement du cerveau de la drosophile
- Microglial development: potential role of microbiota/ Développement microglial : rôle potentiel du microbiote
- Microbes & BBB/ Les microbes et la barrière hémato-encéphalique
- Aging & microbiota/ Le vieillissement et le microbiote
- Microbiota & neuropsychiatry/ Microbiote et la neuropsychatrie
- Stress, depression & microbiota/ Stress, dépression et microbiote
- Microbiota & energy balance/anorexia/ Microbiote et balance énergétique / l'anorexie
- Microbes & sleep/ Les microbes et le sommeil
- Vagus nerve, a gut-brain communication pathway/ Le nerf vague, un lien de communication entre l'intestin et le cerveau
- Addiction & microbiota/ Microbiote et addiction
- Neuroinflammation and cognitive decline/ Neuroinflammation et déclin cognitif
- Neuroinflammation & depression/ Neuroinflammation et dépression
- Microbiota & MS/ Microbiote et sclérose en plaques
- Neuroimmune interactions in the gut/ Interactions neuro-immunes dans l'intestin
- Adaptation of the immune cells to the intestine/ Adaptation des cellules immunitaires à l'intestin
- Probiotics & nervous system/ Les probiotiques et le système nerveux
- Microbiota & visceral pain/ Microbiote et douleur viscérale
- Mycolactone & pain/ La mycolactone et la douleur
- M. leprae & peripheral nervous system reprograming/ M. Leprae et la reprogrammation du système nerveux périphérique
This MOOC is aimed at people interested in understanding the complex interactions between microbes and our nervous system, especially our brain.
A bachelor of science is recommended to attend this MOOC.
Ce MOOC s'adresse à tous ceux qui souhaitent mieux comprendre les interactions entre les microbes et notre système nerveux, en particulier notre cerveau.
Une licence de sciences est recommandée pour suivre ce MOOC.
Grégoire Chevalier
Grégoire Chevalier is a researcher at the Institut Pasteur, studying the interplay between the microbiota and the host. He pursued his thesis under the supervision of Pr. Daniel Gonzalez-Dunia and Pr. Roland Liblau, at the Centre of Pathophysiology of Toulouse Purpan, at the crossroad of immunology and neurosciences, studying the mechanisms of neuronal damage caused by neuroinflammation. He obtained his PhD in neuroimmunology in 2011 from Toulouse III University, France. He then joined the Institut Pasteur in Paris as a postdoctoral fellow within the lab of Pr. Gérard Eberl. He is an active member of a consortium on "Microbes & Brain" at the Institut Pasteur, which brings together neuroscientists, immunologists and microbiologists of the institute.
Ivo Gomperts Boneca
Ivo Boneca is the head of the Biology and Genetics of Bacterial Cell Wall research unit at the Institut Pasteur. He worked for his thesis under the supervision of Prof. Alexander Tomasz, at The Rockefeller University, New York, USA, and obtained his PhD in biology from the Institute of Technical Chemistry and Biology in Lisbon in 2000. He then joined the Institut Pasteur as a post-doctoral fellow in 2000 and became the head of a Junior group at the Institut Pasteur in 2008 and of a full research unit in 2013.
O Institut Pasteur é uma fundação francesa privada, sem fins lucrativos, com sede em Paris, dedicada ao estudo da biologia, dos microrganismos, das doenças e das vacinas.
Criado em 1888 graças a uma subscrição pública internacional, tem o nome de Louis Pasteur1, o seu fundador e primeiro diretor, que em 1885 desenvolveu a primeira vacina contra a raiva.
Durante mais de um século, o Instituto Pasteur esteve na vanguarda da luta contra as doenças infecciosas. Em 1983, este organismo internacional de investigação foi o primeiro a isolar o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH), o vírus que causa a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (SIDA). Ao longo dos anos, foi responsável por descobertas revolucionárias que permitiram à medicina controlar doenças virulentas como a difteria, o tétano, a tuberculose, a poliomielite, a gripe, a febre amarela, a peste epidémica, a hepatite B e a SIDA.
France Université Numérique est le diffuseur des cours en ligne des établissements d’enseignement supérieur français et de leurs partenaires.
Il opère plusieurs plateformes de diffusion, dont la plus connue, FUN MOOC, est la première plateforme académique francophone mondiale. Grâce à de nombreux établissements partenaires, cette plateforme propose un vaste catalogue de cours s’enrichissant de jour en jour avec des thématiques variées et d’actualité.